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"Girlsh shed you insul' me! I shay lie! I 'pol'gize!" "All right," said the waiter. The man sat down. He felt a sleepy but strong desire to straighten things out and have a perfect understanding with everybody. "Nell, I allus trea's yeh shquare, din' I? Yeh likes me, don' yehs, Nell? I'm goo' f'ler?" "Sure," said the woman. "Yeh knows I'm stuck on yehs, don' yehs, Nell?"

"Yessir, that's a fact. Pete's a square fellah, he is. He never goes back on a friend. He's the right kind an' we stay by him, don't we, girls?" "Sure," they exclaimed. Looking lovingly at him they raised their glasses and drank his health. "Girlsh," said the man, beseechingly, "I allus trea's yehs ri', didn' I? I'm goo' f'ler, ain' I, girlsh?" "Sure," again they chorused.

"Well, zen," said the man, resolutely, "I'm go' 'pol'gize!" When the waiter came, the man struggled to the middle of the floor. "Girlsh shed you insul' me! I shay damn lie! I 'pol'gize!" "All right," said the waiter. The man sat down. He felt a sleepy but strong desire to straighten things out and have a perfect understanding with everybody.

Looking lovingly at him they raised their glasses and drank his health. "Girlsh," said the man, bcsccchingly, "I allus trea's yehs ri', didn' I? I'm goo' f'ler, ain' I, girlsh?" "Sure!" again they chorused. "Well," said he finally, "le's have nozzer drink, zen." "That's right," hailed a woman, "that's right. Yer no bloomin' jay! Yer spends yer money like a man. Dat's right."

Had first go-in. No one to help to thingsh. No girlsh to bother. It was prime! When they've all gone up again you and me'll go in and have shome more, eh?" "You're a model host," said his uncle. "It's a good shupper," Dick went on. "I ought to know. I've had some of everything. It'sh almost too good for kids. But it'sh a good thing I went in first.

Looking lovingly at him they raised their glasses and drank his health. "Girlsh," said the man, beseechingly, "I allus trea's yehs ri', didn' I? I'm goo' f'ler, ain' I, girlsh?" "Sure," again they chorused. "Well," said he finally, "le's have nozzer drink, zen." "That's right," hailed a woman, "that's right. Yer no bloomin' jay! Yer spends yer money like a man. Dat's right."