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C'est donc sur terre et sur mer un important renfort. J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre ci-dessous mes idées sur son emploi. Jetons d'abord un coup d'oeil sur la situation. Il s'en dégage, ce me semble, deux faits.

'C'est d'abord un très galant homme, said the ambassador; 'but he never shows himself, and upon every little occasion, when by a verbal explanation with the minister General Armstrong might obtain anything, he writes peevish notes. This appears to me," observes Mr. Adams, "an intriguing manoeuvre, of which the minister thinks I might be made the dupe."

Fried sole and potatoes!! If I had written a volume, whose merit was in elegance, I would not show it to such a man! but he might be an admirable critic upon 'Cobbett's Register, or 'Every Man his own Brewer." "Excessively true," said I; "what shall we order?" "D'abord des huitres d'Ostende," said Vincent; "as to the rest," taking hold of the carte, "deliberare utilia mora utilissima est."

There was no lack of possible custom. The problem was to turn possible into probable, and probable into permanent; and here the seven wits and the ten thousand francs of Espérance came prominently to the fore. She it was who sounded the progressive note, which is half the secret of success. "Pour attirer les gens," she said, with her arms akimbo, "il faut d'abord les épater."

Ciel! s'ecrient les Commissaires, le nom du tyran! Et apres avoir retrouve leur haleine, suffoquee d'abord par l'indignation, ils mettent en poche le brevet de pension, c'est a dire 1000 livres de rente, et emportent la marmite.

"D'abord, Monsieur Linden, I trust," answered La Meronville, with a look of invitation, to which Clarence bowed and smiled his assent, "Milord D , and Monsieur Trevanion, Mademoiselle Caumartin, and Le Prince Pietro del Ordino." "Nothing can be better arranged," said the duke. "But see, they are just going to drop the curtain. Let me call your carriage."

Mortui sunt Hercule Mundo cucullati, quod inors tense sunt onus, Ad rem utiles nullam, nisi ad scelus et vitium." Amongst the works published and written by Dolet may be mentioned: Summaire des faits et gestes de Francois I., tant contre l'Empereur que ses sujets, et autres nations etrangeres, composes d'abord en latin par Dolet, puis translates en francais par lui-meme.

Bonjean said to him, "Lean on my arm, it is that of a good friend and a Christian," and added, "La religion d'abord, la justice ensuite." As soon as one name was called a door opened and a prisoner passed out the Archbishop went first; they descended the dark and narrow steps one by one. When they were placed against the wall Bonjean said, "Let us show them how a priest and a magistrate can die."

The cab rolled away, and Delafield walked on. Half-past seven, striking from all the Paris towers! And Warkworth's intention in the morning was to leave the Gare de Lyon at 7.15. But it seemed he was now bound, at 7.30, for the Gare de Sceaux, from which point of departure it was clear that no reasonable man would think of starting for the Eternal City. "D'abord,

'Xavier Rabourdin, chef de bureau D'abord reva bureaux, e-u fin riche. If I were named 'Charles X., par la grace de Dieu roi de France et de Navarre, I should tremble in my shoes at the fate those letters anagrammatize." Thuillier. "Look here! are you making fun?" Bixiou. "No, I am not. Rabourdin resigns in a rage at finding Baudoyer appointed director."