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Updated: January 9, 2025

Hercule de Rohan, Duc de Montbazon, and Prince de Guémenée, was born in 1568, and was the father, by his first marriage, of Marie de Rohan, who married Louis Charles d'Albert, Duc de Luynes, from whom she was divorced in 1621, and who subsequently became the wife of Claude de Lorraine, Duc de Chevreuse.

The other suppressed a cry of triumph. "At them, my men!" he said in a whisper, "and you, citizen, thank your stars that we have not come too late." "These men..." whispered Hercule. "I had my suspicions." "Aristocrats, citizen," rejoined the commander of the little party, "and one of them is that cursed Englishman the Scarlet Pimpernel."

A Frenchman has no notion of racing, and it is on record that after a heat in which the winning horse, after making a waiting race, ran in at the finish, a Parisian observed, that "although 'Annette' had won at the finish, he thought the greater honour was due to 'Hercule, he having kept the lead the greater part of the distance."

He was fortunate in securing for its head M. Hercule Nicolet, a very able lithographic artist, who had had much experience in engraving objects of natural history, and was specially versed in the recently invented art of chromatic lithography. Agassiz was now driving all his steeds abreast.

Hercule put out the lights in the coffee-room, and then he and I went upstairs not to bed, mind you but to have a quiet talk together over the events of the past half-hour. The result of our talk was that ten minutes later my man quietly stole downstairs and out of the house.

Claude de Lorraine, Prince de Joinville, was the fourth son of Henri, Duc de Guise, surnamed the Balafré, brother of Charles, Duc de Mayenne, and of Louis, Cardinal de Guise. He married Marie de Rohan, Duchesse de Chevreuse, the daughter of Hercule de Rohan, Duc de Montbazon, and peer of France, and was subsequently known as Duc de Chevreuse. He died in 1657.

Only a lunatic, who wished to commit suicide by causing himself to be hanged, would act so!" "Still I do not see " I began. "Neither do I see. I tell you, mon ami, it puzzles me. Me Hercule Poirot!" "But if you believe him innocent, how do you explain his buying the strychnine?" "Very simply. He did not buy it." "But Mace recognized him!"

Scudery was standard-bearer; astounded that such fantastic beauties should have seduced knowledge as well as ignorance, and the court as well as the cit, and conjuring decent folks to suspend judgment for a while, and not condemn without a hearing Sophonisbe, Cesar, Cleopdtre, Hercule, Marianne, Cleomedon, and so many other illustrious heroes who had charmed them on the stage."

Luckily it was almost calm, and the great Hercule lay quietly on the sand like a stranded whale. Whenever the least suspicion of a swell came, she gave a shudder, a sort of wag of her tail, which was very alarming. If the swell increased she would soon go to pieces, and every boat we had to launch would never be enough to save the crew.

What I did was to extract from my notebook a card, one of a series which I always keep by me in case of an emergency like the present one. It bore the legend: "Comte Hercule de Montjoie, secrétaire particulier de M. le Duc d'Otrante," and below it the address, "Palais du Commissariat de Police, 12 Quai d'Orsay."

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