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"Here's at you again," said O'Leary, regardless of the laughter, and covering three or four numbers with his jetons. Round went the ball once more, and once more he lost. "Look now, divil a lie in it, he makes them go wherever he pleases. I'll take a turn now at the tables; fair play's a jewel and we'll see how you'll get on."

"Here's at you again," said O'Leary, regardless of the laughter, and covering three or four numbers with his jetons. Round went the ball once more, and once more he lost. "Look now, divil a lie in it, he makes them go wherever he pleases. I'll take a turn now at the tables; fair play's a jewel and we'll see how you'll get on."

At two o'clock we presented ourselves at the door of the said salon, which was immediately opened on our showing the jetons, and we found ourselves, as I thought we should, in the salon where their Majesties were to sup. There were already many people assembled: the Metternichs, the Persignys, the Gallifets, the Count and Countess Pourtales, etc. I should say, twenty-five in all.

C'est donc sur terre et sur mer un important renfort. J'ai l'honneur de vous soumettre ci-dessous mes idées sur son emploi. Jetons d'abord un coup d'oeil sur la situation. Il s'en dégage, ce me semble, deux faits.

The Colonel had established himself in a hotel almost next door, and ran up against me continually that afternoon and evening, as I wandered about now under the trees listening to the band, now at the baccarat table, where I occasionally staked a few jetons of the smaller values.