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While I stood in the yard cogitating, a woman whose white-spotted blue dress was for the most part covered by a very white apron emerged from the scullery door, holding one hand over her eyes to shade them from the morning sun. 'Ha! she said, in a managing tone; 'so you're the new lad, are you? I smiled somewhat bashfully, this being a question I was not yet in a position to answer definitely.

"Forgot you!" cried her father tenderly; and then immediately, as if ashamed of this outburst of fatherly love, he added calmly and almost sternly "I have much to talk with you, Elise. You have accused me." Elise interrupted him with anxious haste: "I was beside myself," said she, confused and bashfully. "Forgive me, my father; passion made me unjust."

Then one of them swam across and they made their way to our place, and we fixed them up with dry things and drove them home. I don't think they've gone in for canoeing since!" finished Jim reflectively. "Well, I guess it would discourage them a bit," Wally agreed. "Getting shipwrecked's no fun." "Ever tried it?" "Once in Albert Park Lagoon," Wally admitted bashfully.

She was barren of the art of the coquette. "Why, of course I like you," she replied, prettily. "Haven't you ever thought anything else about me?" he went on. "I think you're very kind," she went on, even more bashfully; she realized now that he was still holding her hand. "Is that all?" he asked. "Well," she said, with fluttering eyelids, "isn't that enough?"

Philammon looked, and longed, and sipped blushingly and bashfully, and tried to fancy that he did not care for it; and sipped again, being willing enough to forget his sorrow also for a moment; the negress refused with fear and trembling 'She had a vow on her. 'Satan possess you and your vow! Drink, you coal out of Tophet! Do you think it is poisoned?

So she kissed her friend on the forehead, gave me a gracious nod, and, declining the offer of my carriage, walked with her usual brisk, decided tread down the short path towards the town. Mrs. Ashleigh timidly approached me, and again the furtive hand bashfully insinuated the hateful fee. "Stay," said I; "this is a case which needs the most constant watching.

At these words, Alice appeared to awaken from her first oblivion of all that had chanced since they met; she blushed deeply, and drew herself gently and bashfully from his embrace. "Ah," she said, in altered and humbled accents, "you have loved another! Perhaps you have no love left for me! Is it so; is it? No, no; those eyes you love me you love me still!"

"Then, what do you want?" And she replied in a low tone: "Take me with you." Then Macko, although he easily understood the drift of the conversation, was much surprised. He checked his horse, and exclaimed: "Fear God, Jagienka." But she dropped her head and replied bashfully and sadly: "You may think so, but as far as myself is concerned, I would rather speak out than be silent.

As soon as our gypsy friend had kissed his wife, shaken hands with his eldest hope, shaken his head at his youngest, smiled his salutation at the father-in-law, and patted into silence the canine claimants of his favour, he turned to Clarence, and saying, half bashfully, half good- humouredly, "See what a troublesome thing it is to return home, even after three days' absence.

I tell you what: Julia and I will wait till we are sure about Olivia." "No, no," I interrupted; "you and Julia have nothing to do with it. When is your wedding to be?" "If you have no objection," he answered "have you the least shadow of an objection?" "Not a shadow of a shadow," I said. "Well, then," he resumed, bashfully, "what do you think of August?