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Updated: August 7, 2024

Thrice it was done, Drumsheugh ever bringing up colder water from the spring, and twice MacLure was silent; but after the third time there was a gleam in his eye. "We're haudin' oor ain; we're no bein' maistered, at ony rate; mair a' canna say for three oors. "We 'ill no need the water again, Drumsheugh; gae oot and tak a breath o' air; a'm on gaird masel."

"'Deed, then, lassie," said Andy in a low hurried voice, moving toward the door, "A'm gled that Smith buddie gar't me build it." "Wait, Mr. Hepburn," said Moira, shyly holding out her hand, "don't you think that Scotties in this far land should be friends?"

Wayland stood up in his stirrups and with hands trumpeted uttered a yell. The rider jerked his horse to a rear flounder, waved frantically, then split the air "Glory be to the powers but A'm glad to see you! A've headed them off from the South trail. We've got them, Wayland, the low dastard scoundrels! We've got them trapped like rats in a trap!

"What that young fellow, Cox, is doing wi' ma fortune doesna keep me awake at nights," he said; "the MacTavishes are feckless, extravagant bodies and it no' concairns me whether ma balance is one poond or two." "What is worrying you?" asked Blackie. "Weel," said Tam slowly, "A'm just a wee bit grieved. A frien' o' mine is leaving France." "Friend of yours?" said Blackie. "Who is your friend?"

How A'm know he ain' gon for git hurt?" "But he did " Alice paused abruptly with the sentences unfinished, for the sound of galloping hoofs reached her ears and she looked up to see the Texan swing from his horse, strip off the saddle and bridle and turn the animal loose. "Oh," she cried, as the man joined them after spreading his saddle blanket to dry.

'We were a pack o' cowards to let 'em carry off yon chaps as easy as they did, a'm reckoning! 'A think so, indeed, said another voice. Daniel went on 'We was two hunder, if we was a man; an' t' gang has niver numbered above twelve. 'But they was armed. A seen t' glitter on their cutlasses, spoke out a fresh voice.

"Ye see," said Jamie, who had been counting heads all morning, "there's six shepherds in Glen Urtaeh they're shut up fast; an' there micht hae been a gude half dizen frae Dunleith wy, an' a'm telt there's nae road; an' there's the heich Glen, nae man cud cross the muir the day, an' it's aucht mile round;" and Jamie proceeded to review the Glen in every detail of age, driftiness of road and strength of body, till we arrived at the doctor's cottage, when he had settled on a reduction of fifty through stress of weather.

His fees were pretty much what the folk chose to give him, and he collected them once a year at Kildrummie fair. "Well, doctor, what am a' awin' ye for the wife and bairn? Ye 'ill need three notes for that nicht ye stayed in the hoose an' a' the veesits." "Havers," MacLure would answer, "prices are low, a'm hearing; gie's thirty shillings."

A'm goin' t' do some plain speakin' t' y' father's honor, but 'tis not talk for a woman's ears! Y've heard y'r father defamed." "Then, I'll wait and hear him cleared," she whispered to Mrs. Williams. "Will you stay?" The Sheriff had gone round in front of the table, not too near it for obvious reasons; for the time of his revenge had come and his rotundity protruded full blown and swelling.

A'm play heem wan tam' mor'. De w'eel she spin 'roun', de leetle ball she sing lak de bee an', Nom de Dieu! She repe't! De t'irten ween ag'in. A'm reech But non!" The man pointed excitedly to the croupier who sneered across the painted board upon which a couple of gold pieces lay beside a little pile of silver. "A-ha, canaille! Wat you call son of a dog! T'ief!

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