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'But ze mines! objected the Frenchman. 'There again we are fairly safe. The launch is of such shallow draught that she will easily pass over the mine-fields. Floating mines we must of course risk, but there are not likely to be many about, for the Turks only send them down when an attack is expected. One other point is in our favour. This launch is fast.

Beyond, across the bare Place d'Armes, a blackened gap in the line of houses bore witness to the devastation of the year gone by, while here and there a roof, struck by the setting sun, gleamed fiery red with its new tiles. The levee was deserted save for the negroes and the river men. "Time for siesta, Michie," said Xavier, joining us; "I will show you ze inn of which I spik.

"I sink our friends must see now ze girls' school, and ze laundry, hein?" "To be sure," agreed Father Richmond. "I will take you over and give you into the hands of our Mother Superior."

Dan said, "Confound the idiot! I don't want to see any silks today, and I won't look at them. Drive on." And the doctor: "We need no silks now, Ferguson. Our hearts yearn for the Louvre. Let us journey on let us journey on." "But doctor! It is only one moment one leetle moment. And ze time will be save entirely save! Because zere is nothing to see now it is too late.

Do you think they bother about me if I become ennuyeuse like them and cry because they don't love me and like some leetle girl in ze chorus better? Not they. They want fun and life from me and I give them that. When they want more they can 'ow you say? get out?" He stared at her in white-hot detestation. "I see. I've just wasted my time. You're you're as infamous as they say.

"Oh, but zat is very wrong!" protested her companion, shaking her head in a disapproving fashion. "You Americans sink only of how much money you spend for Christmas and if your gift to your friend cost as much as ze one she give you. Zat isn't gift! Zat is exchange. One should give only from ze happiness of ze heart.

The recollection of his army life filled him with joy. But Gilbert shook his head. "Not for me, thank you," he smiled. Lopez merely shrugged his shoulders. "So! I was afraid!" "But how did you get ahead so fast?" young Jones wanted to know. "That's what sticks me." The bandit laughed. "Zat is simple. You see, one day ze lieutenant she are killed. Soon I become a lieutenant. Nex' day, ze captain.

A birthday c'est une chose bien serieuse, voyons. Who knows? Per'aps you never 'ave another chance and then you 'ave remorse 'orrible, terrible remorse. Or do you never 'ave remorse either, Monsieur le docteur?" "No not yet." "You must not run ze risk, then." He thought savagely. "If I had a diamond stud she would make me give it her."

"I keeps it in ze bookcase djawer, and somebody took it 'way an' put nasty ole flowers in it." "Where are those flowers?" I demanded. Toddie looked up with considerable surprise, but promptly replied, "I froed 'em away don't want no ole flowers in my dolly's k'adle. That's ze way she wocks see?"

"It will be ze easiest way out of ze situation for you." "Don't you pay a cent, Uncle Randolph," interrupted Dick quickly. Then Baxter hit him again, such a stinging blow that he almost lost consciousness. "For shame!" ejaculated Mr. Rover. "He is tied up, otherwise you would never have the courage to attack him. Baxter, have you no spirit of fairness at all in your composition?"