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He spoke of this to the bateau man, who shrugged his shoulders and grinned. "Eet ees ze command of St. Pierre," he explained. "St. Pierre say no man make beeg noise at what you call heem funeral? An' theese goin' to be wan gran' fun-e-RAL, m'sieu!" "I see," David nodded. He did not grin back at the other's humor. He was looking at the crowd.

"Ocken Hawwy, you know what Iz'he goin' do when I be's big man? Iz'he goin' to have hosses and tarridge, an' Iz'he goin' to wide over all ze chees an' all ze houses, an' all ze world an' evvyfing.

He, too, was developing an undreamed of appetite for intrigue, and his capacity in that direction was expanding to meet it. He had covered the first flight, when Gustavo suddenly remembered the letter and bounded after. 'Signore! I beg of you to wait one moment. Here is a letter from ze signorina; it is come while you are away. Tony read the address with a start of surprise.

Our guide there fidgeted about as if he had swallowed a spring mattress. He was full of animation full of impatience. He said: "Come wis me, genteelmen! come! I show you ze letter writing by Christopher Colombo! write it himself! write it wis his own hand! come!" He took us to the municipal palace.

At this threat, the brilliant black eyes emitted a shower of angry sparks, and she exclaimed in derision, "Ze Buzno will dake us do brizon, ha! ha! ha!" "Ze Buzno will dake us do brizon, hee! hee! hee!" giggled the little impish child who tugged at her skirts. The old woman pressed forward and mumbled, "'Ol' oud your 'an', my pretty fellow.

As Syme and the guide approached the side door of the hotel, a waiter came out smiling with every tooth in his head. "The gentlemen are up there, sare," he said. "They do talk and they do laugh at what they talk. They do say they will throw bombs at ze king." And the waiter hurried away with a napkin over his arm, much pleased with the singular frivolity of the gentlemen upstairs.

He gave an interesting account of a native drama performed before him in India at the command of one of the great princes, though speaking of it as "deadly dull." Speaking of difficulties in learning idioms, he told the story of a German professor who, priding himself on his thorough knowledge of English idioms, said, "We must, as you English say, take ze cow by ze corns."

But in a moment there is a shuffle on the stairs, and a fat, buxom woman, with a cheerful face and a blouse undone down the back, makes her appearance. Oh yes, Messieurs les Officiers can have a bath for two francs, including a towel; and they can have breakfast for three and a half francs, including "ze English marmalade" and "un oeuf

"Well," remarked the other, with a tightening of his lips, "we'll make sure you don't get another opportunity, that's all." Frank watched as they drew near the place of Colonel Josiah. He anticipated that the prisoner would be eager to look across the field to where the shed stood. Nor was Frank surprised to hear him give a low cry. "Eet is wonderful, ze luck zey haf!"

"Yes, I see where you mean," cried Rodd; "but she has only one light." "Ah, ha! Monsieur is right. Zare is only one. Ze vind storm has blow out ze uzzer. Look, now zare is no light at all. Ze sheep put im out." The violence of the rain was now abating, but the wind beat against and shook the window-panes and shrieked as it rushed by.