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The words of a song, sung carelessly in a clear, girlish voice, came to us from beyond. "Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai qrand' peur de me tromper: Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper: Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lurette, Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lure." "We have come at the very zenith of opportunity," I whispered. "Hush!" he said.

"On air," he answered, "for we saw you in New Orleans yesterday." "And why?" "Need you ask, Mademoiselle?" said the rogue, and then, with more effrontery than ever, he began to sing: "'Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper." She rose, her sewing falling to the ground, and took a few startled steps towards us.

He cracked his whip, and, setting the monkey to stand in the corner, contented himself with a shrug of the shoulders and the exclamation 'C'est l'affaire d'un fripon qui a voulu tromper un filou. A few weeks later the royal favour shone forth once more, and Voltaire, who had been hiding himself in a suburban villa, came out and basked again in those refulgent beams.

"On air," he answered, "for we saw you in New Orleans yesterday." "And why?" "Need you ask, Mademoiselle?" said the rogue, and then, with more effrontery than ever, he began to sing: "'Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper." She rose, her sewing falling to the ground, and took a few startled steps towards us.

I don't remember who wrote it and I have forgotten the title, but you are sure to like it. There! I have it. It is called: 'L'art de tromper les femmes." Mrs. Austen moved to the door and looked back. "But if you don't find it readily, let it go for to-night. Your young man is sure to have a copy. No nice young man is without one."

Ces circonstances nous ont été transmises par les historiens du temps. Pour lui, il n'a rien laissé sur sa mission. On diroit qu'il en a eu honte. Louis avoit été assez grossiérement dupé pour partager un peu ce sentiment, ou pour en tirer au moins une leçon de prudence. Et néanmoins très-peu d'années après il se laissa tromper encore: c'étoit en 1253; et il se trouvoit alors en Asie.

The exercise of the intellect and the development of noble sentiments is as essential for the perfection of the one, as of the other, fretful, envious, malicious, ill humoured feelings must never be indulged by those who value their personal appearance, for the existence of these chronic maladies of the mind, cannot be concealed. "On peut tromper un autre, mais pas tous les autres."

The words of a song, sung carelessly in a clear, girlish voice, came to us from beyond. "Je voudrais bien me marier, Je voudrais bien me marier, Mais j'ai qrand' peur de me tromper: Mais j'ai grand' peur de me tromper: Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lurette, Ils sont si malhonnetes! Ma luron, ma lure." "We have come at the very zenith of opportunity," I whispered. "Hush!" he said.

"You know, Sir John," she said in confidence to him one day at Hurlingham, "I have always dressed Millicent." "You need not tell me that," he interrupted gracefully. "On ne peut s'y tromper." "And," she went on almost apologetically, "whatever my own feelings on the subject may be, I cannot abandon her now. The world expects much from Millicent Chyne. I have taught it to do so.

At one of the great fairs where I was present, there appeared upon an elevated stage, an elderly and serious-looking gentleman, dressed in a complete suit of solemn black, with a little child kneeling at his feet. "Messieurs," said he to the multitude, and bowing with the most perfect confidence and self-possession "Messieurs, c'est impossible de tromper des gens instruits comme vous. Je vais absolument couper la tête a cet-enfant: Mais avant de commencer, il faut que je vous fasse voir que je ne suis pas un charlatan. Eh bien, en attendant et pour un espece d'exorde: Qui est entre vous qui