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It was remarked by acquaintances of the couple that the difference in age became less and less apparent as their married life continued. "Humph!" observed Captain Zeb, summing up the situation, "he started about ten year astern, but he'll beat her on the run into the cemetery, now you mark my words. Annabel's temper's cal'lated to keep any average chap drivin' on that course, bows under.

"Yes, I'm ready," she answered in a low voice. "Have you realised all it means? I'm none too amiable at the best of times" grimly. "And my temper's not likely to improve now I'm tied by the leg. You'll have to fetch and carry, and put up with all the whims and tantrums of a very sick man. Are you really sure of yourself?" "Quite sure."

"No, thank you," said Cyril, "we are here on business, not on pleasure. Who's the master?" "The what?" "The master the head the boss of the show." "Over there," she said, pointing to a stout man in a dirty linen jacket who was sleeping in the sun; "but I don't advise you to wake him sudden. His temper's contrairy, especially these hot days. Better have a shot while you're waiting."

"But my dinner's all being spoiled, my dear. You won't come, and master won't come. What am I to do?" "Go and sit down and eat it," cried Aleck, in a passion now; "only don't bother me." "Well, I'm sure!" cried the captain's maid, tartly. "Master's temper's bad enough to drive anyone away, and now you're beginning too. I don't know what we're coming to in " um um murmur murmur murmur bang!

We have lost heavily, and our temper's a bit ruffled for the moment. If you care to come with me as my prisoner I'll see you through safe. What's more, I'll do my best to get you exchanged for the man you saved." "Thank you, captain; that's my best card to play, as things are going. But I'd have given something to have it the other way about." "Of course you would, my good fellow.

And so, when Tom presently arrived with his father, whom he had rushed at once to fetch, they found her, with Margery beside her weeping and beseeching her to speak; Charlie standing at the door, too scared to go nearer; and Miss Hender seated, white and frightened and ashamed, gazing at her temper's handiwork, too ashamed to go near to render the child any aid after reducing her to that, for in her heart of hearts she felt that after the scene of that afternoon Bella would shrink from even a kindness at her hands.

It hurts me, Charley, but what could I do? It would have been worse to let two women suffer for my condemned folly." Seaforth was in no mood for laughter, but his eyes twinkled faintly. "Two of them? You have been getting on tolerably fast down there, Harry." Alton stopped him with a gesture. "My temper's not what it was a few weeks ago," he said. "Now, you sit still and listen to me."

Carlsen has got some plan to outwit the men. It's inconceivable that he'll be willing to give them equal shares. And he has no use for me." "You ought to have grabbed that gun of his before he did," said Lund. "He'll put you out of the way if he can, but, now his temper's b'iled over a bit, he'll not shoot you. Not afore the gold's in the hold.

"I can stay for a bit of tea so long as I be back by chapel-time," explained Tom. "An' so you shall, my son. Run 'e out o' doors an' amoose yourself where you mind to; awnly don't ope the lil linhay in the Brook Croft, 'cause auld bull's fastened up theer an' his temper's gettin' more'n more out o' hand." So Tom departed, and Uncle Chirgwin read Joan's letter aloud to her.

And he picked up his pail and went away quite grumpy, though what that Arab party's done to him is more than I can say. I have always noticed that milkman's temper's short like his measure. I wasn't best pleased with him for speaking of that Arab party as my friend, which he never has been, and never won't be, and never could be neither.