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Honest, she's as light on her feet as if her middle name was Pavlowa! At the same time it's lucky Skeet has arms, long enough to reach 'way round when he's steerin' her. If they'd been an inch or so shorter, he'd have had to break his clinch in some of them whirls, and then there'd been a big dent in the floor. He seems just built for the job, though.

I wa'n't wastin' time on any subtle strategy, though. Walkin' over to Skeet I taps him on the shoulder, and then it's his turn to gawp at my costume. "Why," he gasps, "how er where did you " "Oh, I brought myself out last season," says I. "But just a minute, if you don't mind," and I jerks my thumb towards the dressin' room. "But, you know," he begins, "I I "

Capehart's. In her room. Doesn't come out at all. Isn't going to the ball to-night. Skeet said she refused to speak to Mr. Cummings." "Is that all Skeet said? Vandeman, you've told your wife that Cummings swore to the complaint?" "Yes, but er there's no animus.

And then he said it was all right to dig for treasure if we wanted to, and to want to see the Mississippi River and see Tom Sawyer, and he didn't blame us a bit for anything we had done. "Yes," he says, "I'll take you to Springfield to-morrow; ask your pa, Skeet, and come along." I did; and the next morning we took the train for Springfield; and here was a big town, not as big as St.

"Whilst I'm a-goin' on this hyar harnt's yerrand" The logical Si brought up with a shiver. "I went ter say whilst I'm a-goin' on this hyar yerrand fur the harnt" This was as bad. "Whilst," he qualified once more, "I'm a-goin' on this hyar yerrand 'bout'n the harnt, I mought ez well skeet off in them deep woods a piece ter see ef enny wild cherries air ripe on that tree by the spring.

Reg'lar brute, he is, and a temper " That gets him stary eyed. "You you don't mean," says he, "that " "Uh-huh!" says I. "You know you and the young lady was some conspicuous. There's been talk all round the room. They've both heard, and they're beefin' something awful. Course I ain't sayin' they'll spring any gunplay right in the house; but why, what's wrong, Skeet?"

But I know better, and Skeet does, and so I've made up my mind to try this letter. If you're real, write me and if you want us to come, say so, and we'll be there, if there's a way. Next to Skeet, I love you and Huck more than anybody in the world, barrin' near relatives, for I think you're brave and plucky, and square, as anybody would who reads your book. I want to meet Becky, too.

And if you don't want to witness bloodshed, do it quick!" I tipped her the wink over his shoulder, and the last glimpse I had of Skeet he was bein' hustled and shoved towards the back way by willin' hands. By the time I gets back into the ballroom I finds Marjorie right in the midst of a fam'ly court martial. She's makin' a full confession. "Of course I hired him," she's sayin' to Brother Robert.

"No, no Skeet," Barbara laughed embarrassedly. "Mr. Cummings was just joking. He'll not be here Saturday night." "I'll come back for it," hand in pocket. "It's a masquerade " Barbara hesitated. "Bring my costume with me from San Francisco." "I'm not sure " again Barbara hesitated; Skeet cut in on her, "Why, Barbie Wallace! It's what you came to Santa Ysobel for the Bloss. Fes. ball.

I let her keep the idea. "Run along, Barbara," I said, "get to your paint daubing. I'll forgive you everything for deducing well, discovering, if you like that better about these bolts and magnets." Skeet burst from the kitchen door of the Thornhill house, caught sight of us, shouted something unintelligible, and came racing through the grounds toward Vandeman's.