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"Did you hear that, Zenobia? Torchy, you young rascal, come in here and explain yourself!" "Torchy!" gasps Aunty. "Did did you say Torchy?" "Anybody callin' for me?" says I, steppin' into the room with a grin on. And to watch that stary look settle in Aunty's eyes, and see the purple tint spread back to her ears, was worth standin' for all the rough deals I'd ever had from her.

Mills steps up smilin'. I should judge he was a fairly smooth, high-polished gent as a rule; but after Ruby has turned that stupid, stary look on him, without battin' an eyelash or liftin' an eyebrow, the smile fades out. She don't say a word or make a move: just continues to stare. As for Oakley, he shifts uneasy on his feet and flushes up under the eyes. "Well?" says he.

John replied: "I'll see to it, Granny," and grasped the situation, evidently. Keziah remained, and as soon as the old lady was out of hearing, said to him: "This be a stra-ange stary coom to light, Master Costrell. Only to think of it! The Gra-anny's twin, thought dead now, fowerty years agone!" "Thou'lt be knowing mower o' the stary than I, belike, Mrs. Solmes," said John.

It's dreadful, being in a cyclone the roar, you know, and things coming at you in the dark, and that feeling of being lifted and whirled. I was only twelve; but I I can't forget. And when I'm in big, noisy places it all comes back. I suppose I'm silly." Was she? Say, what's your guess about that? And, take it from me, I didn't wonder any more at that stary look of hers.

An' when I seen Bland twist her hurt her I had a queer hot feelin' deep down in me, an' fer the only time in my life I wished I was a gun-fighter. "Wal, Jen amazed me. She was whiter'n a sheet, an' her eyes were big and stary, but she had nerve. Fust time I ever seen her show any. "'Jennie, he said, 'my wife said Duane came here to see you.

"I'm only the better by a bare word or so, so far, from speech o' the Gra-anny with her yoong la-adyship o' the Towers, but now, on the roo-ad. The Gra-anny she was main silent, coom'n' along." "There's nowt to wonder at in that, Master Costrell. For there's th' stary, as I tell it ye.

"What's that?" growls Adam K., glarin' about suspicious at the gaspy circle. "What young man?" "Why," says I, "it's " But then in he stalks. "Oh, Herbert!" sobs Edna, makin' a wild grab at Marjorie for support. As for Pa Pulsifer, his eyes get stary, the big vein in the middle of his forehead swells threatenin', and his bushy white eyebrows seem to bristle up. "You!" he snorts.

Fannie never forgot, and she kept to the letter of the law. "Also she would stand patiently and watch me eat. That is, she would fix her eyes on me intently, never moving, and keep them there for a quarter of an hour at a time. A little embarrassing, you know, to be so constantly observed. She had such big, stary eyes too, absolutely without any expression in them.

Eggy looks over the line, picks out a square-jawed, bull-headed, pie-faced Yon Yonson, with stupid, stary, skim-milk eyes, and leads him to the front. "A direct descendant of the old Vikings," says he, "a fellow countryman of the heroic Stefansson, of Amundsen. Just now he works as a longshoreman.

I couldn't say that R. wanted to give me a castigation when I didn't know what it meant. Dora tells a lot more lies than I do and I always love catching her in a lie for her lies are so obvious. I'm never caught. It only happened once when Frau Oberst von Stary was there. Father noticed that time, for he said: You little rogue, you tarradiddler! September 3rd. Such a horrid thing has happened.