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I'll be bun those hens o' Whittam's hes been rootin' up thi flaars in th' garden. 'Nowe, lad thaa'rt mista'en Whittam's hens hesn't bin i' th' garden sin' thaa towd him abaat 'em last. 'Then mi mother's bin botherin' thee agen, said Matt, in a sharp tone, as though he had at last hit upon the secret of his wife's sorrow.

Gammit, to be sure, for three months; but he had known all the time that she was there, on the other side of the ridge, one of his nearest neighbours, and not more than seven or eight miles away as the crow flies. "It's the bears!" she explained. "They do be gittin' jest a leetle mite too sassy, down to my place. There ain't no livin' with 'em. They come rootin' round in the garden, nights.

'O, he picks a bit hisself wi' rootin', and I dooant mind doing wi'out to gi' him summat. A bit o' company's meat an' drink too, an' he follers me about, and grunts when I spake to'm, just like a Christian. Mr.

"You'd orter be rootin' kebbeges on a hog ranch wi' that voice," he said icily. "You're sure the worst singer in America." Then he glanced round for the children. They were nowhere to be seen. Sunny was at the cookstove boiling milk in a tin "billy." His face was greasy with perspiration, and, even to Bill's accustomed eyes, he looked dirtier than ever.

Jorgensen's made his pile over be Buniyong; an' Tommy th' Tit him what seconded me in th' bit iv a contention we had aboard have been rootin' out nuggets be th' tubful at Ballarat, an' talkin' fight and devilment t' th' min iv nights in th' intherests iv peace an' humanity an' good gover'mint.

Penrose, that Betty's faither were fond o' rootin' i' plants, an' as aw'd a turn that way mysel I thought aw'd just walk up as far as his haase, and buy a twothree, and try and hev a word wi' Betty i' th' bargain. So aw weshed mysel, and donned mi Sunday best, and went up. 'When aw geet theer, Betty were i' th' garden by hersel, as her faither were gone to a deacons' meetin' at Rehoboth.

Besides, Auntie never did have any use for this Mrs. Butt anyway and hardly speaks to her civil when she meets her. Now Auntie is squirmin' in her chair and I can guess how her fingers are itchin' to rescue the youngster. "Um precious 'ittle sweetums, ain't oo?" gurgles Mrs. Butt, rootin' him in the stomach with her nose. "Won't um let me tiss um's tweet 'ittle pinky winky toes?"

Me and the chief and his girl set on a blanket among the little piles of silver, and the rest of the merry villagers lined up close to the finish-line. We white men had been the prime attraction up till now, but it didn't take me long to see that we wasn't any more. Them people was all wrapped up in the lad with the gold name-plate, and they was rootin' for him frantic.

I hev been so onlucky ez I couldn't make out ter pay him nohow in the worl'. Ye see, I traded with Nate fur a shoat, an' the spiteful beastis sneaked out'n my pen, an' went rootin' round the aidge o' the clearin', an' war toted off bodaciously by a bar ez war a-prowlin' round thar. An' I got no good o' that thar shoat, 'kase the bar hed him, but I hed to pay fur him all the same.

"I know what railroads is an' we ain't goin' to have none on 'em rootin' up our land, an' if ye sot up any o' them machines here we're goin' ter -Hi! don't shoot!" Billy Manners had suddenly turned his camera upon the follow, considering him a good subject for a picture, and was just about to squeeze the bulb when the man caught sight of him and sprang back.