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'And her shells are reliable, remarked a senior behind us. 'They vary with different calibres, but "Mother" never goes wrong. The German line was very quiet. 'Pourquoi ils ne repondent pas? asked the Russian prince. 'Yes, they are quiet to-day, answered the senior.

Pourquoi caught at Ann's dress and she had to be manfully rescued by Worth. And no sooner had the inquirer been loosened from one side than the universalist was firmly fastened to the other and the rescue must be enacted all over again, amid considerable confusion and laughter. Ann's laugh was borne to Katie on a wave of the spring just the laugh of a girl playing with a boy and his dogs.

Pourquoi, Worth, is your favorite word in French. Need I add that it means 'why'? And N'est-ce-pas well, Watts would say N'est-ce-pas meant 'ain't it'? and more flexible translators find it to mean anything they are seeking to persuade you is true. Pourquoi is the inquirer and N'est-ce-pas the universalist. I trust Watts will give this his endorsement."

"Pourquoi fit on l'amour, si son pouvoir n'affronte, Et la vie et la mort, et la haine et la honte! Je ne demande, je ne veux pas savoir Si rien a de ton coeur terni le pur miroir: Je t'aime! tu le sais! Que l'importe tout le reste?" "Oh Victor," answered the trembling voice of Eva, "my fault is not the having too little love for you.

Since I do not speak much French, I could only say to the man nearest me, a sinister fellow in a blue smock with a brown stockingcap on his head, "C'est un disgrace, ça; je demandez le pourquoi." He looked at me for a baffled moment before calling, "Jean, Jean!" Jean was even more illfavored, having a scar across his mouth which gave him an artificial harelip. However, he spoke English of a kind.

One morning Worth had looked up from some comparative measurements of the tails of Pourquoi and N'est-ce-pas to demand: "Why, Aunt Kate, what do you think?" "There are times," replied Aunt Kate, looking over at the girl swaying in the hammock, humming gently to herself, "when I don't know just what to think." "Well sir, what do you think? The man that mends the boats knows more 'an Watts!"

They politely requested us to take a seat and to excuse a judicial preoccupation. The juge d'instruction was interrogating an inhabitant of Poperinghe. "But," I exclaimed in astonishment, "are you still administering justice?" "Pourquoi non?" he asked in mild surprise.

Friends within and without the theatre, and the spirit of party, have, however, brought FLEURY into fashion. He will, doubtless, preserve his vogue; for, in Paris, when a man has once got a name, he may dispense with talent: "Des reputations; on ne sait pourquoi!" says GRESSET, the poet, in his comedy of Le Mechant, speaking of those which are acquired in the capital of France.

In fact, with all their propinquity to this place, there is little known about them. Few who have visited their towns have had Gode's luck to get away again. No man of these parts ever ventures across the western Sierras." "And how came you, Monsieur Gode, to save your scalp?" "Pourquoi, monsieur, je n'ai pas.

My gals used to come in here and find me cryin' as often as not.... 'Comment, Madame, they used to say, 'pourquoi pleurez vous? Tout va si bien! Quelle clientele, et pas chiche' I suppose you understand French? However about this trip to the country, look on it as settled. I'll pack up now and away we go in the afternoon. And not to any of your measly Hotels or village inns.