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I have no clothes; my stockings are of a fine thin thread, half of them full of holes; I have no flannel waistcoat, which everybody else wears; in short, I have been shivering in the warmest room sans scavoir pourquoi. But yesterday there was a committee at the Duke's upon my drapery, and to-day a tailor is sent for.

One was an old, happy man in spectacles, the second a young man with stilts in his hands, the third was very tall and narrow; his face was sad, and he was of the kind that endure all things and conquer. I said 'Molinar? I had found him. To the man who had brought me I gave 50 c., and so innocent and good are these people that he said 'Pourquoi? or words like it, and I said it was necessary.

On being banished to England, the Frenchman Cabet was stimulated by the communistic ideas he found there, and returned to France, to become the most popular, albeit most superficial, representative of communism here. Pourquoi la revolution d'Angleterre a-t-elle reussi. Discours sur l'histoire de la revolution d'Angleterre, Paris, 1850.

Et pourquoi? Parce que, Monsieur, Miss Harriet tient a son tub ou tob la chose est anglaise; c'est permis pourtant a un galant homme d'en prononcer le nom comme il veut, ou comme il peut Or, quand elle voyage, Miss Harriet trouve, assez souvent, que le "tub" est une institution tout-a-fait inconnue a ses hotes. Que fait-elle donc?

Remember, for example, her question to Pelléas at the end of the first act, "Pourquoi partez-vous?" to which she imparts a kind of dreamy intuitive longing; recall the amazement shining through her grief at Golaud's command that she ask Pelléas to accompany her on her search for the lost ring: "Pelléas! Avec Pelléas!

"Je crois que non, Monsieur ." "Pourquoi n'avez vous pas du vin de Cockalorum?" said Greville, with great indignation. "C'est une chose monstrueuse. Nous sommes les invités de la grande nation Francaise; nous sommes les officiers de sa Majesté la Reine d'Angleterre; et vous n'avez pas du vin de Cockalorum!" There was enough of other wine, at all events, added Frank King.

You will not betray me, will you? You, having a defenceless girl's secret, will not turn upon her and use it? S'il me plait de le cacher, mon secret; pourquoi le donnerai je? Je l'aime, mon pauvre pere, voyez-vous? I would rather live with that man than with you fades intriguers of the world. I must have emotions it m'en donne. Il m'ecrit.

You will not betray me, will you? You, having a defenseless girl's secret, will not turn upon her and use it? S'il me plait de le cacher, mon secret; pourquoi le donnerai-je? Je l'aime, mon pauvre pere, voyez-vous? I would rather live with that man than with you fades intriguers of the world. I must have emotions il m'en donne. Il m'ecrit.

The Anglo-Saxon has an instinctive indifference to thought. 'As soon as an Englishman thinks, minced Madame Carlotti, 'he leaves England with its cattivo climate and goes to the Colonies. C'est pourquoi the Empire ees so powerful its brains are in the legs. 'Come, come, laughed Selwyn, 'is there no one here but me who can discover any merit in Old England?

"Donnez-lui des habits, Fontanges; et ne l'envoyez pas encore." "Et pourquoi, mon amie?" "Je voudrais lui apprendre le Français." "Cela ne se peut pas, ma chère; il est prisonnier." "Cela se peut, Monsieur de Fontanges," replied the lady. "Je n'ose pas," continued the husband. "Moi j'ose," replied the lady, decidedly. "Je ne voudrais pas," said the gentleman. "Moi, je veux," interrupted the lady.