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"Flirtation Week" is close by, but no plebe ever dares to stroll there. This being the night of the hop, the upper class men were busy with their toilets as soon as they returned from supper; or as many of them were as had arranged to "drag a femme" to the hop. This is cadet parlance for escorting a young lady to the dance. However, some upper class men notoriously avoid attending hops.

"I don't want you to have the money. I'm in a hurry now." "Well, I'm broke again," laughed Johnny in perfect confidence; and he indorsed the check. "The most thoroughgoing plebe I ever saw," Gresham commented, looking after Gamble. "It's so fortunate that one is only compelled to meet him in public places." Constance glanced at him curiously and hurried to the rear rail of the box.

Spurlock encountered a mild surprise, for now Dick seemed less inclined to trust to his nimble feet. He put up a stand-up front, though several of Spurlock's sledge-hammer blows passed over Dick's falling head. Then the yearling began to fight lower. The plebe put up a good series of counters, though he took another bit of punishment in the short ribs, and began to back away. Across the room, Mr.

Briggs took careful aim, then shot half the contents of the pail of water over the chest and face of Yearling Anstey. Dick Prescott watched unseen by the b.j. plebe. Mr. Briggs fled lightly, but swiftly four tents down the line and disappeared into his own quarters. From across the way, came a roar of wrath. Anstey was up, bellowing like a bull.

But how could he retreat? If he did not meet Merriwell he would be regarded with scorn by every one, and, like Wat Snell, who had refused to meet Bart Hodge, be ostracised in the school. "Davis ought to fight me first," he muttered. "Oh, hang that plebe!" cried Reynolds, contemptuously. "He doesn't count with Merriwell. You can attend to him when you have disposed of Merriwell.

Merriwell was following Bascomb up like a tiger, and the big fellow was forced to give ground. Again and again Frank hammered the desperate plebe, getting few blows in return and seeming to mind none of them no more than drops of rain. Bascomb's face wore the look of an enraged bull. Suddenly, with a quick side motion, he snapped off the glove on his left hand.

There being no "business," the time was taken up with speeches from several plebes who wanted to be heard. The subject of their treatment by the yearlings came in for much attention. Many of the speakers expressed burning indignation at the "small show" accorded to the plebe class. "Hasn't our president something to say on this subject?" called some one.

A rope takes the place of the customary string and a first year man is used for a spool. Any one can see at a glance what a great improvement this would be over the old-fashioned stunt of tossing the plebe in a blanket." A few months later I picked up a copy of the Scientific American and chortled to read the account of a German acrobat who was playing in vaudeville as the "Human Diabolo."

"I made him brace for five minutes, and then go through the silent manual of arms for five more." "Humph! That wasn't much!" grunted Furlong. "I guess that was why Mr. Briggs felt that he had to get square," mused Dick aloud. "But a plebe is not allowed to get square by doing anything b.j." Again Anstey turned as if to go out, but Dick broke in: "Don't do it, Mace.

At 2.30 the cadet found himself back in his room, forced to study, as few young men ever study in civil life, until 3.30. From 3.30 to 6.25 P.M. the plebe was allowed to do as he pleased with his time, provided that in so doing he broke none of the regulations. He might amuse himself in various ways.