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The seaman turned to him, however, with a benignantly apologetic smile. "Hallo! messmate. I ax your parding. They don't leave room even for a scarecrow to go about in this here cabin. I'll stand you another glass. Give us your flipper!" There was no resisting this, it was said so heartily. Miles grasped the huge hand that was extended and shook it warmly. "All right," he said, laughing.

Hardly had he reached his room when he heard the footsteps of Berry without. Going to the door he was met by Berry with the explanation, "Beg parding, Marse Hesden. I knowed 'twa'n't de time fer me ter come yit, but somehow I'llowed it would git on pearter ef I wuz somewhar nigh you an' Miss Mollie. I'se half afeared I'se ies been dreamin' ennyhow." "Well, come in," said Hesden.

"Long before the hospitious event acurd, you may imadgin that my busm was in no triffling flutter. Sleaplis of nights, I past them thinking of the great ewent or if igsosted natur DID clothes my highlids the eyedear of my waking thoughts pevaded my slummers. Corts, Erls, presntations, Goldstix, gracious Sovarinx mengling in my dreembs unceasnly. I ask umly parding for this hordacious ideer.

"Morning, little Mis'! I axes yo' parding fer not having breakfast 'fore sun-up fer you, but they didn't never any Craddock ladies want theirn before nine o'clock before, they didn't," came Rufus's voice in solemn words of apology uttered in tones of serious reproof.

"Ay ay, sir; I underconstumbles," was the reply; "and I'm right sorry now as I did it, sir, and I axes your parding, sir; that I do. Dash my buttons, though, but you're a rare plucky young gentleman, you are, sir, though I says it to your face. And I hopes, sir, as how you won't bear no malice again' me for just tryin' a bit to see what sort o' stuff you was made of, as it were?"

"No, you didn't, sir, beggin' your parding; you says something about could I steer and eat too, and I says no, you says no, it was I says; well, it was one or t'other of us, I can't quite 'member which says, `put it on the binnacle, and it was put there, and I ate it, and it was very good." "Oh!"

"I ax yer parding, gintlemen," said the former, with an expression of deep regret on his face, "but the say-weed is so slippy on them rocks we're almost for iver doin' that sort o' thing be the merest accident. But av yer as fond o' cowld wather as meself ye won't objec' to it, although it do come raither onexpected." The officers made no reply, but, collaring Ruby, pushed him into the boat.

"I beg your parding, ma'am," said the colonel, raising his hat politely with one hand, while he reopened the coach-door with the other, "but we're a-takin' up a collection fur some very deservin' object. We wuz a-goin' to make the gentlemen fork over the hull amount, but ez they hain't got enough, we'll hev to bother you." The old lady trembled, and felt for her pocketbook, and raised her vail.

This candidate for Protestantism had neither shoe nor stocking on him, but stalked in, leaving the prints of his colossal feet upon the hall through which he passed. "Well, friend, what is wrong with you? why did'nt you rub your filthy feet, sir, before you entered the room? You have soiled all my carpet." "I beg your honor's parding," said the huge fellow; "I'll soon cure that."

'And did he, did Muster Geoff reely ask parding? he inquired wonderingly, presently. 'Yes, he did! Alick spoke shortly, for he resented strongly his brother's disaffection from a bad cause. 'But what's more to the purpose, I didn't knock under. So I'm coming with you; for old Price won't, he says firmly, give me another lesson until I apologise too.