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"Yer days of thramping this country, and alarming paceable inhabitants are done wid, Mister Anaconda. So jist kaal over gracefully, say tin Ave Marias, and consider yourself in the hands of Gabriel sint for judgment."

I hopes, Lather-Stocking, ye’ll no be foolish, and putting the boy up to try the law in the matter; for ‘twill be an evil day to ye both, when ye first turn the skin of so paceable an animal as a sheep into a bone of contention, The lad is wilcome to his drink for nothing, until his shoulther will bear the rifle agin

Ivery minute now should give me a dozen men, an' we want to start the blaze down this way. I tell ye it's a burning-up town." "So I should guess from the smoke we see," said Merwyn, with his old laugh. "Jupiter! there comes a squad of cops." "Well, what do we care? We're two paceable, dacent citizens, a-strollin' down Broadway." "Oh, I'm not afraid," was the careless reply.

Thady!" And he whispered still lower into his ear, "Let alone the esthate, an' the house, an' all that, you'd niver put up with what he has been about this day, paceable an' in quiet?" "You're thrue in that, Joe, by G d!" "Well then, won't we see you righted? Let the bloody ruffian come to Ballycloran, an' then see the way he'll go back again to Carrick. Will you say the word, Mr. Thady?

Our day's gone by, and so 'ull theirs be now; and th' excise 'ull come, and revenoos 'ull settle down, and folks be foaced to take to lousterin' for the bit o' bread they ates, and live quiet and paceable, as good neighbors should.

But ye don't know Biddy McGinnis ye don't! If yees wants to go paceable, pay the dollar and a half. But until this is done, ye shall not cross my door-stone." "I can't stay here! What good will it do?" said Mrs. Lane, wringing her hand. "It's all the money I've got; and remaining won't increase the sum, while it adds to the debt. Better let me go now." "Indade, and ye'll not go, thin, my lady!

"Here, none o' that," yelled Patrolman McDonogh quite reversing his earlier diagnosis of the situation. "None of your flim-flams, if you please. You go quiet and paceable with this gentleman. A little ride in the air is what you need." "That's right, officer," Sedyard interrupted. "That's how to talk to her. I can't do a thing with her." "Brute!" cried the emotional woman now happily restored.

'Tut, tut, tut! he said mournfully, 'an' see how they take off the characther of dacent, paceable, lovin' min. 'Twas a tinder an' frindly game we was playin', sergeant, but if ye will break it up, sure I'm a law-abidin' man. We did intund t' axe the min av Cow Flat t' have the bite an' sup wid us at the banquit this night, but we rispict the law, an' we say nothin' agin it.

Sam looked at Yan and Yan looked at Sam, then glanced at Guy, made some perfectly diabolical signs, seized each a long knife and sprung toward the Third War Chief, but he dodged behind Raften and commenced his usual "Now you let me 'lone " Raften's eye twinkled. "Shure, I thought ye was all wan Tribe an' paceable." "We've got to suppress crime," retorted his son.

Do you know a sartin young man wid a nose on him runnin' to a point like the pin of a sun-dial, his knees brakin' the king's pace, strikin' one another ever since he was able to walk, an' that was about four years afther he could say his Father Nosther; an' faith, whatever you may think, there's no makin' them paceable except by puttin' between them!