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Updated: August 2, 2024

It might be inside mostly, an' them plays thunder. Where is it located?" But he continued his harangue without waiting for a reply. "I see 'a feller git hit plum in th' head when my reg'ment was a-standin' at ease onct. An' everybody yelled out to 'im: Hurt, John? Are yeh hurt much? 'No, ses he. He looked kinder surprised, an' he went on tellin' 'em how he felt.

For a moment the little face was thoughtful wistful then she added: "I wonder how it would feel to spen' the day in the woods onct. Archie B. says it's just fine and flowers grow everywhere. Oh, jes' to be 'quainted with one Jeree like Archie B. is an' have him come to yo' winder every mornin' an' say, 'Wake up, Pet! Wake up, Pet!

But why's Kirby in such a sweat ter git all these niggers down ter Saint Louee?" "Ter sell 'em, an' git the cash. Onct they're outer the way there won't be no row. He'll let the land yere lie idle fer a year or two, an' by that time nobody'll care a whoop how he got it. But he's got ter git rid o' them niggers right away." "Well, who the hell's goin' ter prevent? They're his'n, ain't they?

But she kep' on a-pesterin' me, an' at last I said I would come an' arst him... an' while I was waitin' outside the church I hears the damned feller a-prayin' and sayin' "All flesh is grass, and the grass withereth" his voice quivered and broke again 'an' onct I heard my old mother say them very words when she was a-dyin', more'n forty year ago, in the old country.

I onct drove a livery rig, but dat were some years ago. I ain't worked fo' de livery stable in some time now. Dat's why I know dere ain't no livery on dis wagon. Yo'll 'scuse me, but yo' am slightly mistaken." "All right," rejoined Tom with a laugh, not thinking it worth while to explain what he meant by the lever force of the brake rod. "Let it go at that.

"I sure am hurt," insisted Merley. "Why, I can hardly move now," and he seemed to stiffen all over, though there was no visible sign of injury. "Why doesn't someone get a doctor?" a boy in the crowd asked. "There'll be one in de hurry-up wagon!" exclaimed another urchin. "A feller in a white suit dem's doctors. I know, cause me fadder was in de 'ospital onct."

A few was true blue. The schoolmaster was among 'em. He greeted me warmly. He said I was welkim to those shores. He said I had a massiv mind. It was gratifyin', he said, to see the great intelleck stalkin' in their midst onct more. I have before had occasion to notice this schoolmaster. He is evidently a young man of far more than ord'nary talents.

My sister gave me a book to read onct. It was 'most twenty years ago. The name of it was 'Ivanhoe. I told her I would save it to read when I broke my laig. Looks like I never will git that book read." By daybreak the outfit was on the move. Yankie trailed the cattle out to the plain and started them forward leisurely. Webb had allowed himself plenty of time for the drive.

Seeing the look of disappointment in the child's eyes, she asked in kindly tone: "Why are you in such a hurry to finish the work, Amarilly?" "We've took a Boarder," explained Amarilly, "and I want the rug fer his room. It'll take an orful long time to git it done if I only work on it an hour onct a week. He's so good to me, I want to do something to make his room look neat, so he'll feel to hum."

I'm tellin' you because you done me a good turn onct. I guess that lets me out." "Not if I make you sit in." "You can make me sit in all right. But you can't make me talk. Show me a cop and I freeze. I ain't takin' no chances." "You're takin' bigger chances right now." "Bigger'n you know, kid. Listen! You and Jim Waring and Pat used me white.

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