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I once had a book, and tried to make out what war in it, but ebery time my mistus caught me wid a book in my hand, she used to whip my fingers. An' I couldn't see ef it war good for white folks, why it warn't good for cullud folks." "Well," said Tom Anderson, "I belieb in de good ole-time religion.

Clar for't if de folks from de Norf don't gin de blacks money to sing de ole-time songs an' rock an' weave back an' forth till dey have de pow'. I don't think much of dat ar, jess 'musin' theyselves wid our religion; and Jake looked his disgust, and continued: "'Mandy Ann like mighty well to jine 'em, but I hole her back, an' now she's 'Piscopal, ef she's anything, an' when de girl twins come, Dory an' Judy, she borrowed lil chile's gown agin.

Brown's, I get my liquor there, and tell them to send me three glasses of my special mixture. And, Jerry, you may keep the change!" "Thank y', gin'l, thank y', marster," replied Jerry, with unctuous gratitude, bending almost double as he backed out of the room. "Dat's a gent'eman, a rale ole-time gent'eman," he said to himself when he had closed the door.

I got a frien' o' mine, thishere Blooie Bowers; he say Royal King shoes same kine o' shoes HE wear, an' I walk straight in 'at sto' where they keep 'em at. 'Don' was'e my time showin' me no ole-time shoes, I say. 'Run out some them big, yella, lump-toed Royal Kings befo' my eyes, an' firs' pair fit me I pay price, an' wear 'em right off on me! 'Nen I got me thishere suit o' clo'es OH, oh!

Leggett, with great fondness of tone. "You ve'y escusable," coyly replied the damsel. "Mr. Leggett, in what similitude does you means you plays de fife?" "Why in the s'militude o' legislation, you know. But Law'! Johnnie wouldn't neveh had the sense to 'range it that-a way if it hadn't been faw my dea' ole-time frien' an' felleh sodjer, Gyarnit." "Is dat so? Well, well! Maajo' Gyarnit!

"Dish yer wha' I calls a mighty scrumptious repas'," exclaimed Solon, after a long silence devoted to appeasing the pangs of his hunger. "But fo' de true ole-time cookin' gib me de Moss Back kitchin befo' de wah." "I specs dat ar' berry good in hits way," remarked Quorum; "same time I hain't nebber eat nuffin kin compare wif de cookin' er dem Seminyole Injuns what libs in de Ebberglades.

"More than jus' bein' guilty of that fault, I am goin' to tell you of others. You are not the ole-time what is it you say? Ah, yes, the 'goody-goody. I have heard my great American frien', Honor-able Chanlair Pedlow, call it the Sonday-school. Is it not? Yes, you are not the Sonday-school yo'ng men, you an' your class!"

Den it's rise up, Primus! en gin it turn strong; De cow's gwine home wid der ding-dang-dong Sling in anudder tetch er de ole-time song: Good-night, Mr. Whipperwill! don't stay long! Mr. Whipperwill! don't stay long! Don't stay long! Hi my rinktum!

But you wanter have one er deze yer ole-time grips, an' you des gotter shet yo' eyes an' swing on like wunner deze yer bull-tarrier dogs." "Oh, I'm goin' to stick, Uncle Remus. You kin put your money on dat. Deze town boys can't play no more uv dere games on me. I'm fixed. Can't you lend me a dime, Uncle Remus, to buy me a pie? I'm dat hongry dat my stomach is gittin' ready to go in mo'nin."

"And us just finished what some would call a ole-time shootin'-bee!" "Who's your friend?" queried High Chin, although he knew. "Him? That's Jim Waring, of Sonora. And say, High, I ain't his advertisin' agent, but between you and me he could shoot the fuzz out of your ears and never as much as burn 'em. What I'm tellin' you is first-class life insurance if you ain't took out any.