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Updated: August 12, 2024

'Na, na! if ye are nae friend to kirk and the king, and are detained as siccan a person, ye maun answer to honest men of the country for breach of contract; and I maun keep the naig and the walise for damage and expense, in respect my horse and mysell will lose to-morrow's day's wark, besides the afternoon preaching.

'Well, I'll tike yer. 'You? 'Yus; why not? 'I like thet; wot would yer missus sy? 'She wouldn't know. 'But the neighbours would! 'No they wouldn't, no one 'd see us. He was speaking in a low voice so that people could not hear. 'You could meet me ahtside the theatre, he went on. 'Na, I couldn't go with you; you're a married man. 'Garn! wot's the matter jest ter go ter the ply?

He brought it home, kept it for days beside him, even laying it on his bed, and kneeling and asking forgiveness beside it. The Na Wang's son he adopted into his bodyguard. No father could have treated his own child more tenderly.

If we do attain it, there will be no difference between our state and that of Buddha and of Nichiren. With this view we have learnt from the pious founder of our sect that we must continually and thankfully repeat the prayer Na Mu Miyô Ren Go Kiyô, turning our hearts away from lies, and embracing the truth." Such were the heads of the sermon as they were taken down by my scribe.

But I've na' lads to keep thee company, only one sprig of a wench. Sylvia, come here, an let's show thee to this young fellow! Sylvia came forwards, ruddy as any rose, and in a moment Kinraid recognized her as the pretty little girl he had seen crying so bitterly over Darley's grave.

"If it's to the round-up ye're going, then I'll ride wi' ye, Tom Lorrigan. I'm a fair mon and I wush na ill to my neighbors. But I canna twiddle the thumbs whilst others fare well on Douglas beef." "You can ride where you please; it's open range. But if you ride to the herd I'll show you forty yearlings that I'll bet are dead ringers for the one that you claim was killed.

It's preyed on Chirsty's mind, they say, this fower-and-thirty year 'at she doesna hae a richt parlour fender." "Leeby, look! That's Robbie Tosh wi' the barrow. He has a michty load o' luggage. Am thinkin' the minister's bound for Tilliedrum." "Na, he's no, he's gaen to Edinbory, as ye micht ken by the bandbox. That'll be his mither's bonnet he's takkin' back to get altered.

A' hinna time tae wait for dinner; gie me some cheese an' cake in ma haund, and Jess 'ill tak a pail o' meal an' water. "'Fee; a'm no wantin' yir fees, man; wi' that boxy ye dinna need a doctor; na, na, gie yir siller tae some puir body, Maister Hopps, an' he was doon the road as hard as he cud lick."

"John," she said, in pitiful appeal, "you maunna stay here, laddie. Ye'll gie up the drink when you're away will ye na? and then thae een ye're sae feared of'll no trouble you ony mair. Gang to Glasgow and see the lawyer folk about the bond. And, John dear," she pleaded, "if there's nothing left for us, you'll try to work for Janet and me, will ye no?

Tell me whaur he is, like a guid lassie, Phemy." "I'm no sure. I may say I dinna ken." "Ye say ye ken whan ither fowk disna: noo naebody kens." "Hoo ken ye that?" "'Cause he's run awa." "Wha frae? His mither?" "Na, na; frae Miss Horn." "I ken naething aboot her; but gien naebody kens, I ken whaur he is weel eneuch." "Whaur than? Ye'll be duin' him a guid turn to tell me."

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