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"That's Robbie Tosh," continued Leeby; "an' there's nae doot 'at he's makkin for the minister's, for he has on his black coat. He'll be to row the minister's luggage to the post-cart. Ay, an' that's Davit Lunnan's barrow. I ken it by the shaft's bein' spliced wi' yarn. Davit broke the shaft at the saw-mill." Ay, he'll be awa to Edinbory, to see the lass."

You see, as long as you can shew these troublesome half-educated people who want to turn the world upside down that they are talking nonsense, it really does not matter very much whether you do it in terms of what Miss Barnabas calls obsolete rot or in terms of what her granddaughter will probably call unmitigated tosh. I have no objection whatever to denounce Karl Marx.

Dishart's murder, no many hours auld yet," the kirk officer replied evasively, "we should be wary o' trusting gossip." "What hae you heard?" "It's through the town," Hendry answered, "that a woman was wi' the dominie." "A woman!" cried Tosh, "The woman there's been sic talk about in connection wi' the minister? Whaur are they now?" "It's no kent, but the dominie was seen goin' hame by himsel'."

"I can," replied Mr. Johnson with relish, "and I will. They got in all right, but you didn't see them, because they was disguised." Cosh and Tosh snorted disdainfully, and Private Nigg, who was present with his friend Buncle, inquired "What way was they disguised?" Like lightning came the answer "As a joke! Oh, you Jocks."

Perhaps it helped a man into Parliament, Parliament still being a confused retrogressive corner in the world where lawyers and suchlike sheltered themselves from the onslaughts of common-sense behind a fog of Latin and Greek and twaddle and tosh; but I wasn't the sort to go into Parliament, unless I meant to be a lawyer. Did I mean to be a lawyer?

Then comes an earth-shaking crash a mile behind us. We whip round, and there, in the failing evening light, against the sunset, there springs up the silhouette of a mighty tree in full foliage. Presently the silhouette disperses, drifts away, and "The coals is hame, right enough!" comments Private Tosh. Instantly our guns reply, and we become the humble spectators of an artillery duel.

Many could not look, and some of them did not even see Rob Dow jump. For it was Dow, the man with the crushed leg, who saved Gavin's life, and flung away his own for it. Suddenly he was seen on the edge of the bank, holding one end of the improvised rope in his hand. As Tosh says "It all happened in the opening and shutting o' an eye.

"Yes, it is," said Roger; "but it makes me sad to see what tosh is handed out to that eager, expectant audience, most of the time. There they all are, ready to be thrilled, eager to be worked upon, deliberately putting themselves into that glorious, rare, receptive mood when they are clay in the artist's hand and Lord! what miserable substitutes for joy and sorrow are put over on them!

So seldom in a lifetime had any one seen into this man's heart that Spens said, amazed: "Tammas, Tammas Whamond, it's no like you to break down." The rusty door of Whamond's heart swung to. "Who broke down?" he asked fiercely. "Let no member of this Session dare to break down till his work be done." "What work?" Tosh said uneasily. "We canna interfere."

He had just risen from an excellent dinner; he was not much alarmed; and his audience listened with flattering attention. Scaife was lifted into a chair; ice was applied to his head; his feet were thrust into a "tosh" filled with steaming water. Already a slight change might be perceived; the breathing became easier, the face less red.