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But when we are to be married, you shall only to me talk in my own moder Taal." "Shan't I myke a gay old 'ash of it!" Recklessly she crushed the large hat against the unwieldy shoulder. "There, good-night agyne, deer! Sister Tobias that's what they call the one that 'ousekeeps and manages the kitchen Sister Tobias 'll be sittin' up for me, thinkin' I've got meself lost or bin run away with."

The Socialist had left the platform with the threat that he was 'coming down now to attend to that microbe that's vitiating the air on my right, while a lady will say a few words to you if she can myke 'erself 'eard.

"I always get along with the officers," he remarked to me in a confidential tone. "I know the w'y, I do, to myke myself uppreci- yted. There was my last skipper w'y I thought nothin' of droppin' down in the cabin for a little chat and a friendly glass.

"Ten bob," he bargained; "an' you runnin' awye with th' stuffy ol' gent's fair darter? Come now, guvner, is it gen'rous? Myke it a quid an' " "A pound then. Will you hurry?" By way of answer the fellow scrambled hastily up to the box and snatched at the reins. "Ck! Gee-e hup!" he cried sonorously. By now the mews had wakened to the fact of the presence of a "toff" in its midst.

I remember just as well!... One of 'em and me struck up quite an acquaintance " "Naturally he'd take to you on sight." "Ow? Strynge 'ow we 'it it off, eigh?... You myke me think of 'im. Young chap, 'e was, the livin' spi't-'n-himage of you. It don't happen, does it, you're the same man?" "Oh, go to the devil!" "Naughty!" said the captain serenely, wagging a reproving forefinger.

Not that it'd myke any difference to me, the w'y I felt towards 'im. 'E was a gentleman, white or black. I'd've died for 'im any d'y." "Doggott!" The Virginian had risen and was pacing excitedly to and fro. "Doggott! don't ever repeat one word of this to man or woman while you're faithful to the memory of Mr. Rutton." The servant stared, visibly impressed. "Very good, Mr. Amber.

"Yer'll mebbe myke it," the waterman told him with a weatherwise survey of the skies. "Wind's freshenin' from the east'rds, an' that'll 'old 'er back a bit, sir." "Arsk th' wye to th' Dorkyard Styshun," young William volunteered. "'Tis th' shortest walk, sir. I 'opes yer catches 'er.... Thanky, sir."

John Storm made some inarticulate reply. "Thort ye might be, sir. We often 'as 'em 'ere sempling the cawfee, but blessed if they ever wanted to semple a bed afore. Still, if you down't mind " "It will be better than I deserve, my man. Can you give me a cup of coffee before I turn in?" "With pleasure, sir! Set down, sir! Myke yourself at 'ome.

"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce my friend, the lyte Mr. Ryzors. Jemima, show the deceased gentleman to his chair. Miss Walker, Mr. Ryzors. He is really 'appy to myke your acquaintance, Miss Walker, though at first sight he may not appear so. Wot you might be apt to mistyke for coldness is merely 'is intense reserve." "Oh, dry up, Spinks." No, Mr.

It was nine o'clock by this time, and he was in the Whitechapel road, going along with a motley troop of Jews, Polish Jews, Germans, German Jews, and all the many tribes of Cockneydom. Two costers behind him were talking and laughing. "Lor' blesh you, it's jest abart enneff to myke a corpse laugh." "Ain't it? An acquyntince uv mine d'ye know Jow 'Awkins?