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"Now jes lis'en, I wanna tell you all I kin, but I wants to tell it right; wait now, I don' wanna make no mistakes and I don' wanna lie on nobody I ain' mad now and I know taint no use to lie, I takin' my time. I done prayed an' got all de malice out o' my heart and I ain' gonna tell no lie fer um and I ain' gonna tell no lie on um.

I tole 'em de Scripter said, 'Love your enemies, an' den I took de Bible an' read what it says about slavery I can read some, chillun Servants, obey yer masters in all things, not wid eye-service, as men-pleasers, but as unto de Lord; and so on. But, bless yer souls, chillun, dey wouldn't lis'en to dat so I foun' out dey was abberlishem niggers, an' I lef' 'em.!"

"'Please on-tie, please on-tie Po' Nancy Jane O! Please on-tie, please on-tie Po' Nancy Jane O! An' atter er wile hyear come de ole bullfrog Pigunawaya. He sez ter hisse'f, sezee, 'Wat's dat I hyear? Den he lis'en, an' he hyear sump'n gwine, "'Please on-tie, please on-tie Po' Nancy Jane O! an' he went whar he hyeard de soun', an' dar wuz de po' bird layin' down all tied ter de bush.

Fur de time bein' de work is jes' to form de ladies' auxiliary an' git de main objec's set fo'th." "Lis'en, chile. Me, I don't aim never so long as I lives an' keeps my reason to jine no lodge w'ich don't start out fust thing by fune'lizin' de daid. Ise thinkin' now of de case of dat pore shif'less Sist' Clarabelle Hardin dat used to live out yere on Plunkett's Hill.

Den don' th'ow no oak leaves on dis niggah, for dey don' grow dyar. Gawd A'moughty, lis'en to de river roarin'! I's hidin' by de river I's hidin' by de river! I's hidin' by de river Jordan!" Deb swayed to and fro, beating her hands in her excitement. "I see a boat a great big boat! It's as big as the Ark! The finders are in it, and the dogs and the guns! Let us pray!

In the evening, when it was growing dark, a tapping was heard at one of the ports in the captain's cabin; and both Tim and I were just on the point of firing, when, to our great surprise Ching Wang's well-known voice was heard. "Chin, chin lilly pijjin! Comee one chop quick, me wantee talkee talkee. Lis'en me, an' you lickee kyfong number one go!"

"I ain't goin' ter min' yer, nuther; an' I sha'n't nuver go ter sleep no mo', an' let you go to prayer-meetin's; jes all time botherin' me, an' won't lemme see de specerlaters, nor nothin'." "Jes lis'en how yer talkin'," said Mammy, "given' me all dat sass. You're de sassies' chile marster's got. Nobody can't nuver larn yer no manners, allers er sassin ole pussons.

I should say, however, if pressed for a answer that they will prob'ly continner on jest about as long as they can find peple to lis'en to 'em. Am I right? Yours, faithfull, Artemus Ward. Mr. Punch, My dear Sir, I've been lingerin by the Tomb of the lamentid Shakspeare. It is a success. I do not hes'tate to pronounce it as such. You may make any use of this opinion that you see fit.

"I feel sure," said she, "that Celebrate Fourth will soon git something better to do than make a hand in the field. He has idees of makin' all kinds of money, if he could git Mr. Gowdy to lis'en to him. But Surrager Dowler is right where he orto be. He has got a patent corn-planter all worked out, and I guess Mr. Gowdy'll help him make and sell it. Mr. Gowdy is awful good to us ain't he, Rowena."

Purtier'n dressed-up gals in town Is peart and larfin' Polly Brown, With curly hair a-hangin' down, An' sleeves rolled clean above her elbow. Barfeooted stan'in on the rocks, A-pourin' milk in airthen crocks, An' kiverin' 'em with clean white blocks Jest lis'en how my fool heart knocks Shet up, my heart! what makes you tell so?