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"I mean that if you continner to bran'ish that blade as you have been bran'ishin' it, you'll slash h out of some of us before we're a hour older!" There was some reason mingled with this white-haired old peasant's profanity. It was true that I had twice escaped mowing off his son's legs, and his father was perhaps naturally alarmed. I went and sat down under a tree.

"Besides these wives you see here, Mister Ward," sed Yung, "I hav eighty more in varis parts of this consecrated land which air Sealed to me." "Which?" sez I, gittin up & starin at him. "Sealed, Sir! sealed." "Whare bowts?" sez I. "I sed, Sir, that they was sealed!" He spoke in a traggerdy voice. "Will they probly continner on in that stile to any grate extent, Sir?" I axed.

You'll be as gorgeous as 'As a sunset by Turner, said Laura, with a glance at Polly's auburn locks. 'Seems to me this is a mutual admiration society, isn't it? and she sank languidly into a chair to have her hair dressed. 'Yes, it is, cried Polly, boldly; 'and it's going to "continner." Meg, you're a darling in that blue print and pretty hat.

Miss Patty is small for her size, but as the man sed abowt his wife, O Lord! She is well bilt & her complexion is what might be called a Broonetty. Her ize is a dark bay, the lashes bein long & silky. When she smiles the awjince feels like axing her to doo it sum moor, & to continner doin it 2 a indefnit extent. Her waste is one of the most bootiful wastisis ever seen.

I should say, however, if pressed for a answer that they will prob'ly continner on jest about as long as they can find peple to lis'en to 'em. Am I right? Yours, faithfull, Artemus Ward. Mr. Punch, My dear Sir, I've been lingerin by the Tomb of the lamentid Shakspeare. It is a success. I do not hes'tate to pronounce it as such. You may make any use of this opinion that you see fit.

Thus I've derived considerable peace and comfort from them noble edifisses, and I hope they will long continner to grace your metroplis. There's my fren Col. Larkins, from Wisconsin, who I regret to say understands the Jamaica question, and wants to talk with me about it; I sent him to the Tower four days ago, and he hasn't got throogh with it yit.

"Mister Ward, don't your blud bile at the thawt that three million and a half of your culled brethren air a clankin their chains in the South?" Sez I, "Not a bile! Let 'em clank!" He was about to continner his flowry speech when I put a stopper on him.

I was rid on a rale the next day, a bunch of blazin fire crackers bein tied to my coat tales. It was a fine spectycal in a dramatic pint of view, but I didn't enjoy it. I had other adventers of a startlin kind, but why continner? Why lasserate the Public Boozum with these here things? Suffysit to say I got across Mason & Dixie's line safe at last.

If I cood make anybody feel as good by ritin' to 'em as u kin me Ide rite 'em every day. "Thar's some more of his ignorant spellin'," said Groundhog. "Everybody but a blamed fool knows the way to spell write is w-r-i-g-h-t. I learnt that much before I wuz knee-high to a grasshopper. But let me continner: "'I think Bad Ax, Wisconsin, must be the nicest plais in the world, bekaze u live there.

Now I don't want to have any more trouble over it with you, Hiram, for we've been too good friends, and will try to continner so after this thing is over and done with, but if you or that gang of up-country sparrer-hawks stick your fingers or your noses into this business that I'm in now, I'll give the lobsters and cunners round this island just six good hearty meals.