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Deuceace's adventers, and his kind behayvior to Messrs. Dawkins and Blewitt, I had the honor of laying before the public a skidewl of my master's detts, in witch was the following itim: "Bills of xchange and I.O.U.'s, 4963L. 0s. 0d." The I.O.U.se were trifling, say a thowsnd pound. The bills amountid to four thowsnd moar.

He hacked off the bird's head and neck; and after slicing off a portion of the meat, added the drumstick to Bruff's share. He then began eating voraciously, giving his messmates a version of their "adventers," as he called them, since the morning. Billy would have made a splendid writer of fiction a most exciting narrator, for he forgot nothing, and he added thereto in a wonderful manner.

I was rid on a rale the next day, a bunch of blazin fire crackers bein tied to my coat tales. It was a fine spectycal in a dramatic pint of view, but I didn't enjoy it. I had other adventers of a startlin kind, but why continner? Why lasserate the Public Boozum with these here things? Suffysit to say I got across Mason & Dixie's line safe at last.

Since that affair, I have bin goin' about "doin' good," frightnin' the wicked into fits, and follerin' in the steps of the parsen, and thus working my way out of Purgatory. Relatives and nabors, Thinkin' you'll, like to know whether I'd bin roastin' in brimstone, along with Solomen and Lot's wife, and that you might feel consarned to know sumthin' about my further adventers, I'll continoo.