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Master, then, was in this uncomfrable situation neither liking to go nor to stay! peeping out at nights to have an interview with his miss; ableagd to shuffle off her repeated questions as to the reason of all this disgeise, and to talk of his two thowsnd a year jest as if he had it and didn't owe a shilling in the world. Of course, now, he began to grow mighty eager for the marritch.

The little creature had a thowsnd of these; and being small, and a Frenchman, master, in cors, looked on him with that good-humored kind of contemp which a good Brittn ot always to show. He rayther treated him like an intelligent munky than a man, and ordered him about as if he'd bean my lady's footman.

I'd lay a wager that you make, with one thing or another plays, novvles, pamphlicks, and little odd jobbs here and there your three thowsnd a year. There's many a man, dear Bullwig that works for less, and lives content. Why shouldn't you? Three thowsnd a year is no such bad thing, let alone the barnetcy: it must be a great comfort to have that bloody hand in your skitching.

I sent her a bewtifle Camellia Jyponiky from Covn Garding, with a request she would wear it in her raving Air. I woar another in my butnole. Evns, what was my sattusfackshn as I leant hover her chair, and igsammined the house with my glas! "She was as sulky and silent as pawsble, however would scarcely speek; although I kijoled her with a thowsnd little plesntries.

They bow me out of the back parlor as if I was a Nybobb. Every body says I'm worth half a millium. The number of lines they're putting me upon is inkumseavable. I've put Fitzwarren, my man, upon several. Reginald Fitzwarren, Esquire, looks splendid in a perspectus; and the raskle owns that he has made two thowsnd. "How the ladies, & men too, foller and flatter me!

I told master of the conversation which had past betwigst me and my lord, and of his handsome offers, and his horrow at hearing of his son's being taken; and likewise mentioned how strange it was that Miss should only have 3 guineas, and with such a fortn: bless us, I should have thot that she would always have carried a hundred thowsnd lb. in her pockit! At this master only said Pshaw!

Deuceace, in a very myjestic way, takes out of his pocketbook four thowsnd pun notes. "This is not French money, but I presume that you know it, M. Greffier," says he. The greffier turned round to old Solomon, a money-changer, who had one or two clients in the prisn, and hapnd luckily to be there. "Les billets sont bons," says he.

Deuceace's adventers, and his kind behayvior to Messrs. Dawkins and Blewitt, I had the honor of laying before the public a skidewl of my master's detts, in witch was the following itim: "Bills of xchange and I.O.U.'s, 4963L. 0s. 0d." The I.O.U.se were trifling, say a thowsnd pound. The bills amountid to four thowsnd moar.