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He reminded me of the legend, that when the devil took Christ to the top of a high mountain, showed Him all the kingdoms of the earth, and said: "All these things will I give you to fall down and worship me." Suddenly, the face of a Shylock appeared, saying: "Shentlemen, peeshness ish peeshness, and if you can't trade, I will take dat offer."

"Auh, dat is a very pleasant age, dat twenty. Veil, den, you shall shign a leetle bit of paper, that you pay me £2000 ven you come into your properties, on condition dat I pay now one tousand. Dat is very fair ish it not, Mr Major?" "Rather too hard, Emmanuel." "But de rishque de rishque, Mr Major." "I will not agree to those terms," replied I; "you must take your money away, Mr Emmanuel."

"Is he dead?" "I don't know off he ish tet. Dey say he ish oud mid his het, und tat looksh mighty pad. But one ting ish goot; dey cotch de murterer." "They have?" asked Offitt, with languid interest. "What sort of fellow is he?" "Mutter Gottes!" said the little German. "De vorst kind. He would radder gill a man as drink a glass bier.

"I dinks I does it," he muttered, hopefully, when he found himself within a couple of rods of the colt without having disturbed it in the slightest degree. "It ish as easy as nefer vos, and I will grab him in one two dree minute, and den I whips him 'cause he runs mit away, and den mine gracious!"

We done sot 'er by Ole Mis' Grissel w'en she wuz 'live, an' we done sot 'er by Miss Chris, an' we done sot 'er by Marse Tom hisse'f, an', fo' de Lawd, I ain' never seen 'er congeal yit." But Eugenia was seeking other information. "Is Uncle Ish well? And Aunt Verbeny, and the dogs? and did you bury Jim in the graveyard?"

Here is great man was will be good friend to you; he ish vera great man, a big king; not vas you call der könig, but your big mans, your, vos is das, your bresidentde bresident bees goot friends mit youhere is dark mans, he ish no goot friend mit you, und you must keep away from das dark mans.”

They could not see entirely across the clearing or opening, but in the dim, uncertain light, Otto Relstaub was positive he detected the animal they were so anxious to find. "Dot ish he," he insisted, leveling his arm with the extended finger pointed at a certain spot.

It was a statement made by the boer, after he had partaken of several glasses of the "smoke." "Ish ver shorry you go get the money for the two cameels," said he. "Mine two bruders and mine vrow's bruder stand chance to lose it now. Ish ver shorry for them, you know."

"Are you talking of Mouchieu Ponsh?" asked the marine store-dealer. He was sitting smoking on the curb-post in the gateway, and now he rose to join in the conversation. "Yes, Daddy Remonencq." "All right," said Remonencq, "ash to moneysh, he ish better off than Mouchieu Monishtrol and the big men in the curioshity line.

It was thickly wooded, but a prodigious rock near the crest resembled a spot that had been burned clear. "Helloa!" suddenly called out Jack Carleton, while gazing in the direction, "there's someone on that rock." "I guess it ish a crow or bear no, it ishn't." "My gracious! it's Deerfoot." A moment's scrutiny proved that the individual, beyond all question was an Indian.