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"All poys ish bad," said the visitor with an impatient sniff, as he took off his cap and slouched to a chair on the opposite side of the fire. "Your poy ish badder dan any oder poy; mine Otto is lazy, and if he doesn't pring pack dot horse I vill pounds him till he don't live."

"It struck me that that was the best way to show the old fellow that not only was I friendly myself, but that I took him to be a friend." "Dot ish so; but it would be as nice as nefet vos if bofe of our guns had us." "I will get mine." "Mebbe he won't lets you."

"Can't give it," said the Israelite "it ish too moosh. Give you eight." "No," said I, taking up the harp and preparing to depart. "Here, den," said my uncle, "I will give you ten, but only shust to oblishe you mind dat." I duly thanked him for his willingness to oblige me. Uncle Moses gave me the ticket and money; and I left the shop and rejoined Mrs.

But I have two more friends around here somewhere;" and Frank put his hand to his mouth, and gave two low whistles. It was answered immediately, and a voice, which Frank recognized as the captain's, inquired: "Ish dat you, you gun-boat feller?" "Yes, I'm here, captain; come along." The Dutchman soon made his appearance, followed by the major.

"In the middle of the night they were roused by the sound of flapping wings, followed by a whispering voice, saying, 'whish ish, which soon broke out into a loud 'Whoo hoo! whoo hoo! They popped their heads out of the hole to see what was the matter, and they perceived a great owl sitting on a stump, flapping its wings up and down, and rolling its great round eyes about, which glared like red-hot coals in its head.

It ish wonderful what mischief gets into dem boys; dere ain't no time when dey ain't doin' notting what dey hadn't not ought to all de times just de same way, while I toils myself to death to educate dem and bring 'em up in de way apout which dey ought to go."

"Yaw; I ish doing petter as nefer I couldn't does," replied Otto, who in his excitement dropped back into his crooked words and sentences. "You ain't half trying, I've seen you do twice as well." "Yaw; but I dinks " The catastrophe came. Like the immortal John Smith, Otto was so busy with his eyes that he had no opportunity to watch where his feet led him.

I vill do anyding. I vould do anyding alt te time, if I had known it," said the Jew earnestly. "Thank you, Isaacs, I only want the simple truth; more than that would do us harm instead of good. This is the simple truth, I hope, that I have taken down from your lips?" "Yesh, tat ish te zimple truth!"

By this maneuver, Cleburne's men were right upon their flank, and enfilading their lines, while they were expecting an attack in their front. It was the finest piece of generalship and the most successful of the war. Shineral Mynheer Dutchman says, "Hans, mein Got! mein Got! vare ish Shineral Mackferson, eh? Mein Got, mein Got! I shust pelieve dot der Repel ish cooming.

I knowed a gal once; she was a good 'eal like you; Annie Stanton was her name; she had a feller dat was a good 'eal like de Lieutenant, and dey didn't t'ink I knowed much, but dey found dey was mistaken. Don't you b'lieve dey did?" "Yes, yes but you are talking all the while." "Dat ish so I doesn't talk no more."