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Updated: August 29, 2024

"Let's run, just the same!" urged Dick Prescott. The three chums broke into a run that brought them swiftly to the station, red faced, laughing and happy. "Oh, what a difference since the morning!" sang Dick blithely. "Say, just think! West Point really for mine!" "Bosh!" grunted Darrin happily. "I'm going to Annapolis!" Then, as by a common impulse Dick and Dave seized Tom Reade by either hand.

By and by the pain stopped, she got her second wind, and then she began to tread close on Curly's heels. "Huh!" he grunted at last, "you needn't be in such a hurry. The dam will stay there and so will the fish." "All right," responded Ruth, still meekly, but with dancing eyes.

Sir Charles continued to clamour for Tinsley, his flag lieutenant, who, as a matter of fact, was the man drunk in the wheelbarrow. When this was explained by the shouts of the negroes, he grunted, "Umph!" turned on the man at his side, and said, "Here, Oldham; you lend a hand to duck the little toad." It was the sort of thing that the thirsty climate of Jamaica rendered frequent enough.

He evidently turned to his companion, for there issued a flood of throaty consonants to which the other grunted once. Then the listeners heard his heavy stamping as he walked through the house to the rear. A door whirred; he had gone out. The remaining Mercutian said suddenly: "He won't find them." "Why not?" Joan asked, a bit tremulously. The Mercutian laughed harshly. "Because you lied.

Ranjoor Singh grunted. "How is it that she has known of this place all this time, and yet has never tried to meddle with us?" "I, too, am anxious to know that!" said Ranjoor Singh. "You are surly, my friend! You do not like this pistol? You take it as an insult? Is that it?" "I am thinking of those regiments, and of these grenades, and of what I mean to do," said Ranjoor Singh.

You can almost see Huahine from Raiatea, and you'll be sure to know some of them. Find out all you can. And if any of the white men show up, don't start a row." An army of hermit crabs scuttled and rustled away before him as he advanced up the beach, but under the palms no pigs rooted and grunted. The cocoanuts lay where they had fallen, and at the copra-sheds there were no signs of curing.

"It was at your request that I went into the law. I have learned to like that profession. I have stuck to it as well as my wandering, Bohemian nature will permit, and while I do not expect you necessarily to feel any pride in such progress as I have made, I have hoped that you might feel an interest." The Honourable Hilary grunted again. "I suppose I am by nature a free-lance," Austen continued.

"Humph!" grunted the professor, who was by no means well satisfied with the prospect, yet had reasons of his own for taking up the matter if possible. He smoked for a while longer, and Bressant resumed his book.

Now, the ceiling over the shelf in the closet wasn't plastered, and it formed, of course, part of the flooring in the room above. The boards were to be loosened by a Gorgett man upstairs, as soon as the box was locked in; he would take up a piece of planking enough to get an arm in and stuff the box with Gorgett ballots till it grunted. Then he would replace the board and slide out.

We'll lay up a good stock of rations I mean save the fresh and keep on eating the stale, and be all ready for the right morning, and when it comes, nip outside, mount the helephant, and away we will go I mean, that is, if you think that you can creep up same as I do, and lower yourself down from the roof." "I think I could now, Pete." The lad grunted. "What do you mean by that?"

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