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"What are you doing there?" demanded the Major, raising his lantern the better to light the scene. "I play jailer," grunted Wampus, without moving. "Him want to steal; Mumble he make bark noise; for me, I steal too I steal Injun." A dusky form, prone upon the ground, began to squirm under Wampus, who was then discovered to be sitting upon a big Indian and holding him prisoner.

"How!" he grunted, and, pausing impressively drew himself up and tapped his inflated chest, "Minne-tronk-ske-wan! . . . great man! me " And then Redmond nearly choked, as Many Drunks, with intense gravity, proudly conferred upon himself the most objectionable title that exists in four words of the English language rounding that same off with a majestic "Wah! wah!"

"You you " she gasped, chokingly. "Ugh!" grunted her husband, and stalked off into the dark. "A fog last night, wasn't there?" inquired Brown. Breakfast was over, and Seth was preparing for his day's sleep. "Yes, some consider'ble," was the gruff answer; then, more sharply, "How'd you know? 'Twas all gone this mornin'." "Oh, I guessed, that's all." "Humph! Guessed, hey?

"Precisely," retorted Perkins. "Precisely. And if Haskins and I did what you want us to do, there would be no more politics." "Well, what of it?" demanded Mrs. Perkins. "Are politics the salvation of the country? It's as bad as war." "Humph!" grunted Perkins. "It is difficult to please women.

"Yakaga, give him your finger," Makamuk commanded. "There be plenty of fingers lying around," Yakaga grunted, indicating the human wreckage in the snow of the score of persons who had been tortured to death. "It must be the finger of a live man," the Pole objected. "Then shall you have the finger of a live man." Yakaga strode over to the Cossack and sliced off a finger.

Then the Queen and all the fairies began to beg and beseech her to think better of it, and not be so unkind to the poor little Princess, who had never done her any harm. But the ugly old Fairy only grunted and made no answer. So the last Fairy, who had not yet given her gift, tried to mend matters by promising the Princess a long and happy life after the fatal time was over.

"Come," grunted that fiery, self-sufficient vassal, "be stirring, sir Fool. I have orders to see you to the gates. There is a horse ready saddled for you. It is the Lord Cardinal's parting gift. Resolve me now, which will be the greater ass the one that rides, or the one that is ridden?" "O monstrous riddle!" I exclaimed, as I took up my cloak and hat. "Who am I that I should solve it?"

"What'cha do, kid?" "What?" "Moe, what did this kid sell you?" "You and your rusty jacks," grunted Moe. "Jimmy James here told us how to put a long hunk of pipe on the handle." "Jimmy James, who taught you about leverage?" demanded the driver suspiciously. Jimmy Holden believed that he was in the presence of an educated man. "Archimedes," he said solemnly, giving it the proper pronunciation.

"Come," he said laconically. Samson grunted dismally, and followed his leader; and after they had struggled out of the wilderness, they made their way back to camp without any further check than a challenge or two, the password enabling them to reach the tent not long before morning dawned. "Yes, my boy; sad, sad indeed," said Colonel Forrester. "I would have given anything to have prevented it."

The Americans stopped. "What's the idea?" demanded McKay, looking along the innocent-appearing path. "Probably a man trap, Capitao," answered Pedro. "Follow us." "Let's see the trap first." Lourenço called to Yuara, who stopped and grunted two words. "Si, it is a trap. A pit, Yuara says." Yuara spoke again, and Lourenço added: "He says we must not touch it.