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"Sir," said the old pilot, who observed the contortions of mirth by which I was moved, "vil you have some schnapps? I dink schnapps is goot for de sea-sick." "Thank you," said I, the tears streaming from my eyes, "I won't have any just now." "Vel, 'twon't last long, any how," suggested the good-natured monster. "By'm-by we be up to Vaxholm in pout two hours. Dere's land! Don't you see it?"

But we have to go through Bloemendal to get there, not a very pretty village, and some distance from here. What do you say?" "Oh, I am ready for anything. For my part, I would rather steer direct for Leyden, but we'll do as the captain says hey, Jacob?" "Ya, dat ish goot," said Jacob, who felt decidedly more like taking a nap than ascending the Blue Stairs.

"Und vhat dost you say? und vid whom dost you talk, as might do dem moch goot?" "Why, you see, I talks more with one 'Squire Newcome, as they calls him, though he's no more of a real 'squire than you be only a sort of an attorney, like, such as they has in this country. You come from the old countries, I believe?" "Ja, ja dat ist, yes we comes from Charmany; so you can say vhat you bleases."

"Like your own mamma, she iss dot goot to you. But times iss hardt now, undt poor folks always haf too many babies." "She don't treat me like she was my mamma now," complained Sadie, with a sob that changed to a hiccough as she sipped the mug of coffee that had been the accompaniment of the cake.

"Zat Very afternoon, to my sur-r-r-prise and gr-r-reat astonishment, I see him again. He was still in ze army lines. And I say to him, 'Now I have you! This time you will be shot at sunrise! "And he look at me and say: "'Very goot, Excellency. Zat make perfectly bully story for my paper. "And I look at him for a minute, and I do not know whether to shoot him or to laugh.

Och, Bryan dear, why did ye iver lave yer native land?" "Pourquoi, why, mon boy? for ver' goot raison," cried La Roche, in a horrible compound of French and broken English, as he skipped lightly past, with a loud laugh, "for ver' goot raison dey was tired of you to home, vraiment. You was too grande raskale; dey could not keep you no longer."

They promptly take the lesson out of my hands and recite the entire English alphabet in chorus, winding up with shouts of "Goot mornin'! How you do?" and merry laughter. They are all pupils from the mission schools which have been established since the great Massacre of 1860, and which are helping, I hope, to make another forever impossible.

And again he said with enthusiasm: "'ow it would be goot if she goom to Schweidnitz and blay wiz 'im all ze days, Erkelenz!" The slim equerry shook his head and said in a tone of conviction: "She would nod coom, Highness." Being of a younger generation, he spoke better English than his royal master. The grand duke shook his head sadly, and said; "No: she would nod goom.

"The prisoner was mine. I had a right to do with him as it liked me." "True, true," cried several of the men who had begun to repent of their resolution, and were glad the savage was off. "The lad's right. Get along, Pierre." "You had no right, you vas wrong. Oui, et I have goot vill to give you one knock on de nose." Dick looked Pierre in the face, as he said this, in a manner that cowed him.

"Vell, den vat vill you pay me?" "I will sign an agreement to pay you 1500 pounds for the thousand, if you please; if that will not suit you, I will try elsewhere." "Dat is very bad bargain. How old, you shay?" "Twenty." "Vell, I shuppose I must oblige you, and my very goot friend, de major." Mr Emmanuel drew out his spectacles, pen, and inkhorn, filled up a bond, and handed it to me to sign.