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"Lord, mem! what hey I said to fess sic a fire flaucht oot o' yer bonny een? I thocht ye only did it 'cause ye wad' na like to luik shabby afore the lass no giein' onything to the lad 'at brocht ye yer ain an' lippened to me to unnerstan' 'at ye did it but for the luik o' the thing, as I say."

"Min' ye pit saut eneuch in't the day, Grizzie," he said. "It was unco wersh yesterday." "I had nane last nicht, ye min'," answered Cosmo, "I was oot a' the evenin'." "An' whaur got ye yer supper?" "Ow, I didna want nane. Hoot! I'm forgettin'! Aggie gied me a quarter o' breid as I cam by, or rather as I cam awa', efter giein' her a han' wi' her algebra."

Man, ye're a dour birkie!" said he; "but a wilf u' man maun hae his way, and, if naething less'll dae ye, jist gang up to yer ain chaumer, and ye'll find her giein' the Macfarlanes het punch wi' nae sugar till't." The statement was largely an enigma to Count Victor, but he understood enough to send him up the stairs with an alacrity that drove Mungo, in his rear, into silent laughter.

Gordon came to herself, she thought to behave as if nothing had happened, and rang the bell to order her carriage. The maid informed her that the coachman had driven away with it before lunch, and had not said where he was going. 'Driven away with it! cried her mistress, starting to her feet; 'I gave him no orders! 'I saw the laird giein him directions, mem, rejoined the maid. Mrs.

"Are ye deif, man?" said Cupples; "or are ye feared to tyne a chance by giein' a fair answer to a fair queston?" The arrow went too near the mark not to irritate Bruce. "Gang yer wa's," said he. "We dinna want tramps i' this toon."

Speak low, if ye maun speak, but sometimes it's wiser no to speak ava'. Dootless the sodgers'll be giein' Andrew Black a ca', but he kens brawly hoo to tak' care o' himsel'." When the horseman approached it was seen that they were driving before them a boy, or lad, on foot. Evidently they were compelling him to act as their guide.

He cam to saitisfee God's justice by giein' him back his bairns; by garrin' them see that God was just; by sendin' them greetin' hame to fa' at his feet, an' grip his knees an' say, "Father, ye're i' the richt." He cam to lift the weicht o' the sins that God had curst aff o' the shoothers o' them 'at did them, by makin' them turn agen them, an' be for God an' no for sin.

An' there's but ae hairt amongst us, an' we're giein' ye anither call this day an' we're hopin' it's the will o' God."

"Now fix the snares roun' thar thrapples. Make the other eends fast by giein' them a wheen o' turn over them branches above. See as ye draw 'em tight 'ithout streetchin'." Walt's orders are carried out quickly, and to the letter, for the men executing them now comprehend what is meant. They also, too well, who are seated upon the backs of the mules. It is an old trick of their own.

I wad fain hae a try. Ye ken a' aboot it wi' that grannie o' yours: hoo's a body to begin? 'By giein' up the drink, man. 'Ay ay ay I reckon ye're richt. Weel, I'll think aboot it whan ance I'm throu wi' this job. That'll be neist ook, or thereabouts, or aiblins twa days efter. I'll hae some leiser than.