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You wish me to say what I would do if I had a betrothed as you have, here, on the lake, and a fri'nd yonder in the Huron camp, in danger of the torments. That's it, isn't it?" The Indian bowed his head silently, and always with unmoved gravity, though his eye twinkled at the sight of the other's embarrassment.

There ain't wan uv thim foive byes as don't conthrol twinty-foive votes, an' there ain't wan uv 'em as don't moind what the ould mon says to um. Not wan, sorr. An' they resints the turnin' down uv their father." "That's as it should be," said Perkins. "An' ut's as ut was, me young fri'nd. Whin oi wint home to me pershonal fri'nds at th' Finn Club, Misther Perkins had losht me. Wan gone.

Then came a gun-shot, the snort of a horse, a loud laugh. Neale heard all with sensitive, recording ears. "Mac, yez are so dom' smart now tell me who built the U. P.?" demanded Pat. "Thot's asy. Me fri'nd Casey did, b'gorra," retorted McDermott. "Loike hell he did! It was the Irish." "Shure, thot's phwat I said," McDermott replied. "Wal, thin, phwat built the U. P.? Tell me thot.

Mr Fosset and Garry O'Neil were equally enthusiastic. "Faith, now, sor!" observed the latter, with a comical air of assured deference at my future dignified position, as he imagined it would be, "I hope ye'll remember ye'r humble ould fri'nd Garry whim ye're Prisidint of the Venezuelan Raypublic, mid a lot of yaller divvles for lackeys, an' so many dollars that ye won't know what to do wid 'em.

The great corporations and trusts are killing competition and holding the masses down. A boy born in the lower walks no longer has a chance to get out of that strata of existence." "It's rot ye still talk, me fri'nd," declared Barney. "Oi think th' chances are as good as they iver were, and a lot betther, av anything."

There's Chingachgook, now, though far from being parfect sartainty, with a rifle for few red-skins ever get to be that though far from being parfect sartainty, he is respectable, and is coming on. Nevertheless, he is my fri'nd, and all the better fri'nd, perhaps, because there never can be any hard feelin's atween us, touchin' our gifts, his'n bein' red, and mine bein' altogether white.

"My engineer, Tom Daley, reached Casey's side just the instant before he died," said General Lodge, resuming his story. "In fact, Daley was the only one of us who did see Casey alive.... Casey's last words were 'ambush Sooz Deep Cut, and then 'me fri'nd Neale! ... We were at a loss to understand what he meant that is, at first.

At this idea he dropped upon all fours and it is perhaps well that he did so, for one bullet did come from a loophole, singing viciously above his head. Then an angry voice of command rose on the night air: "Haud yir hand, mon! Let's see an' it be fri'nd or foe." The tone and accent were broadly Scotch, and this, too, added to Enoch's amazement.

Colonel Pepper retired within himself. The unsteady and excitable fellow had been crowded to the rear by his comrades, who evidently wished to lessen, in some degree, the possibilities of a fight. "Phwat's in thim rivers ye're spoutin' about?" asked one. "Vater, ov course." "Me wooden-shoed fri'nd, ye mane beer beer." "You insolt me, you red-headed "

If you've lost a staunch fri'nd, as I make no doubt you have, Providence will raise up new ones in his stead, and since our acquaintance has begun in this oncommon manner, I shall take it as a hint that it will be a part of my duty in futur', should the occasion offer, to see you don't suffer for want of food in the wigwam.