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So we need not condemn Molière for saying, 'L'ami du genre humain n'est pas du tout mon fait, nor Brunetière for declaring that 'Ni la nature ni l'histoire n'ont en effet voulu que les hommes fussent tous frères. But French Neo-catholicism, a bourgeois movement directed against all the 'ideas of 1789, seems to have adopted the most ferocious kind of chauvinism.

Les jeunes messieurs anglais sont plus spirituels que les jeunes messieurs suisses, n'est ce pas, Monsieur Egger?" "En effet, madame," muttered the teacher, nervously arranging his books. "Monsieur Egger," exclaimed Mrs. Tootle, with a burst of good humour, "est-ce vrai ce qu'on dit que les Suisses sont si excessivement sujets a etre chez-malades?" The awful moment had come.

Mais non, mes opinions sont en effet changees avec ma fortune, et, dans l'evenement heureux dont je profite, j'ai reellement decouvert la raison determinante qui jusque-la m'avait manque." The influence of prosperity acts still more freely upon the American than upon strangers.

In addition to this extract, Anquetil adds, "En effet, la fantaisie de garder devant ses yeux une naine monstreuse (her favourite negress mentioned previously), peut faire conjecturer que Marie Therèse n'aura pas été assez exacte

It breaks into its mechanical constituents and proves to have been nothing but an effet d'ensemble produced on a mind whose habits and categories are essentially rhetorical. This sort of false history or philosophy of history might be purified, like so many other things, by self-knowledge.

En effet on vit de temps en temps Philippe annoncer sur cet objet de grands desseins; mais plus occupé de plaisirs que de gloire, ainsi que le prouven les quinze batards connus qu'il a laissés, toute sa forfanterie s'évaporoit en paroles. Enfin cependant un moment arriva ou la chrétienté, alarmée des conquêtes rapides du jeune et formidable Mahomet II. et de l'armement terrible qu'il préparoit contre Constantinople, crut qu'il n'y avoit plus de digue

"Oh," cried Vincent, "I remember some lines so applicable to your remark, that I must forthwith interrupt you, in order to introduce them. Madame de Stael said, in one of her works, that melancholy was a source of perfection. Listen now to my author "'Une femme nous dit, et nous prouve en effet, Qu'avant quelques mille ans l'homme sera parfait, Qu'il devra cet etat a la melancolie.

"Don't make a row, and come and look here, Mr Mark, sir. Here's such a whacking great effet, same as used to be in our pond at home." Mark hurried to his side, followed by Small. "Why, it's a 'gator," the latter said as he reached the spot where there was an extensive pool, quite undisturbed, for the screen of bushes had hidden it from the passers-by.

Cap Cop he couldn't think of the name, but he had written it down in his pocket-book. The door closed; the waiter was gone; but Warburton still talked French. "Oui, oui en effet tres fatigue, horriblement fatiguee! Trois nuits sans sommeil trois nuits trois!" His clothes fell in a heap on the floor; his body fell in another direction. He was dead asleep. Amid struggle and gloom the scene changed.

I can listen to mother for hours, and I can never make out quite what it is she does to make her stories so interesting. Of course she generally tells them in French, which helps, but I'm no better in French than in English. Mother has a way of saying 'Enfin' or 'En effet' that in itself is quite thrilling." "You don't know quite how well you do it yourself," I said. She shook her head.