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From the police run Jeff drifted to other departments. He covered hotels, the court house, the state house and general assignments. At the end of a couple of years he was promoted to a desk position. This did not suit him, and he went back to the more active work of the street. In time he became known as a star man. From dramatics he went to politics, special stories and feature work.

It's to be very aesthetic, and it's going to be called The Lion's Head Inn. There's to be a little theatre, for amateur dramatics, which I could conduct, and for all sorts of professional amusements. If you should ever come, Molly, I'm sure we shall do our best to make you comfortable." Mary Enderby would not let Bessie laugh upon her shoulder after she said this.

Dramatics in the Home, Children in the Theater, Problems of Dramatic Plays, monographs published by the American Institute of Child Life. Philadelphia, Pa. L.H. Gulick, Popular Recreation and Public Morality. American Unitarian Association. Free. M. Fowler, Morality of Social Pleasures. Longmans, $1.00. Addams, The Spirit of Youth and the City Streets. Macmillan, $1.25.

Pleased with Bouffé to our heart's full content, we look around amongst all the range of actors to find some approach to his inimitable talent, not being so unreasonable as to hope to discover his equal, but our search ends in disappointment, we seek in vain for the representatives of Perlet, Odry, Laporte, and Potier, to whose comic powers we are indebted for many a laughing hour, but they are now replaced, as well as many other of our old acquaintances, by substitutes who are but sorry apologies for those we have lost; however, although the French theatre has certainly retrograded in respect to its dramatics personæ, it has gained surprisingly with regard to scenery, decorations, and costumes, which very considerably enhance the interest of a theatrical performance, particularly when it is historical, and it is a satisfaction to know that no pains are spared to render the drapery as exact as possible to that worn at the period the piece is intended to represent; thus you have the most accurate peep into olden times that can possibly be afforded, and Paris offers such extreme facilities for ascertaining what description of dress was adopted at any particular age, by means of their immense collection of engravings, and written descriptions, contained in their old books, and manuscripts, which are freely produced to any individual on making the proper application.

There's Harry Burbeck, he does a fine black-face turn. Mac Lewis is all right at heavy dramatics. Did you ever hear him recite 'Over the Hills'?" "Never did." "Well, I tell you, he does it fine." "And you want me to get some woman to take a part?" questioned Drouet, anxious to terminate the subject and get on to something else. "What are you going to play?" "'Under the Gaslight," said Mr.

"And as for me, I'm only a girl, but I swear before Heaven I'd rather sink a knife into my heart than give myself to you." He clapped his hands ironically with a deep laugh like the bay of a wolf. "Bravo! Well done! You'd make a fortune in tragedy, Evie. But dramatics apart, you may make up your mind to it. I'm your master, and before twenty-four hours shall be your mate.

"You've got to try for senior dramatics." "Do you really think I could get a part?" asked Roberta coolly. "I think you might," said Betty, amazed beyond words by Roberta's ready acquiescence. "You probably won't get anything big," she added cautiously. "There are such a lot of people in our class who can act. But the girls say that the only way to get a small part is to try for a big one.

We had a system of light gymnastics which, with military drill, gave grace and erectness to the carriage, and every Friday afternoon, the large hall was crowded with the parents to enjoy the singing, declamations, gymnastics, dramatics, and drawing exercises, and all went merry as a marriage bell.

What a mess you've made of things. Two years ago we were decent, and now " Lorelei's voice broke; her eyes filmed over with tears. "I'd give anything in the world if we were all back in Vale. It took only two years of the city to spoil us." "Never mind the dramatics," Jim growled. "What's your kick? You're on Broadway, ain't you?" "Yes, with a six-room flat on Amsterdam Avenue.

But suddenly the carriages left this road and began a circuit of the Gulf of Arta, winding about an endless series of promontories. The journey developed into an excess of dust whirling from a road, which half circled the waist of cape after cape. All dramatics were lost in the rumble of wheels and in the click of hoofs. They passed a little soldier leading a prisoner by a string.