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Dorothea, left to herself, watched them examining and discussing the panel of Bacchus and Ariadne. The orchestra started another contre- danse, but no partner approached to claim her. The dance began. It was the "Dashing White Sergeant," and one exuberant couple threatened to tread upon her toes. She stood up and, for lack of anything better to do, began to study the panel behind her.

'I will compose a beautiful, dutiful, modest, oddest, beseeching, screeching, mildish, childish epistle to her, and you shall read it, and if you approve it, we shall despatch it, said Clotilde. 'There speaks my gold-crested serpent at her wisest! replied Alvan. 'And now for my visit to your family: I follow you in a day. En avant! contre les canons!

M. Barrès says that what lies at the bottom of it is a 'passion de collectionner les belles énergies. But there are many kinds of 'belles énergies, and some of them certainly do not fit into the framework of 'le Beylisme. 'Quand je suis arrêté par des voleurs, ou qu'on me tire des coups de fusil, je me sens une grande colère contre le gouvernement et le curé de l'endroit.

Ces icebergs, quand ils se heurtent contre un navire, le coulent a pic; et comme ils arrivent a l'improviste, escortes par d'epais brouillards, ils paraissent reellement sortir du sein des flots, comme sortait la main de Satan, pour precipiter au fond de l'abime matelots et navires." As to the name itself there has been much discussion.

«On monte beaucoup après avoir passé Vassen; ces environs sont d'une variété étonnante pour la beauté et la singularité des paysages. Des nappes d'eau, des cascades qui se précipitent de roches en roches, forment dix et quinze chutes avant de se perdre dans les sapins qui contrastent avec la blancheur des eaux toutes réduites en écume. Des maisons d'une construction particulière, placées contre les rochers pour les mettre

There are so many reasons why this one should distrust that one, so many rather unnatural alliances for protection against one another, so much friendship of the sort expressed by the phrase, "on aime toujours quelqu'un contre quelqu'un," so much suspicious watching the movements of one another, that one is reminded of the jingle of one's youth: "There's a cat in the garden laying for a rat, There's a boy with a catapult a-laying for the cat, The cat's name is Susan, the boy's name is Jim.

"As soon as I could sufficiently recover gravity to explain to my aunt her mistake, I endeavoured to do so, but so ludicrous was the contre temps, and so ashamed the old lady for her gratuitous suspicions, that she would not listen to a word, and begged me to return to her hotel.

C'est donc contre lui, Monsieur le Marquis, que je vieus en solliciter une aujourd'hui pour ce total oubli de ses devoirs envers un Agent de Sa Majesté très Chrétienne; cette conduite emporte le refus d'aucun appui de sa part pour l'avenir; d'ailleurs mon caractère publique m'impose de ne pas m'exposer

The utter abstraction I was in, led to some awkward contre temps; and as my wife's enthusiasm for her purchases increased, so did my reverie gain ground. "'Is it not beautiful, Jack? how delicately worked it must have taken a long time to do it. "'Seven years, I muttered, as my thoughts ran upon a very different topic.

In my youth, people learned to speak 'the language, as the French was then called, just sufficient to explain a motto; enough of drawing to copy a pattern, and music enough to play a contre danse if it were wanted; but they did not learn, as now, to gabble about everything in the world; but they learned to think, and if they knew less of art and splendour, why, they had the art to direct themselves, and to leave the world in peace!"