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"I hired it to punch cows, and its name is wait a minute." He put away the tobacco sack, got out his book, and turned the leaves. "Its name is Percival Cadwallader Perkins." "Oh, mamma! Percival Cadwolloper what?" Weary looked utterly at sea. "Perkins," supplied Chip. "Percival Cad-wolloper Perkins," Weary mused aloud.

The Happy Family, lying luxuriously upon the grass, were still discussing the latest excitement. Pink watched his chance and when none but Weary observed him jerked his head mysteriously toward the creek. Weary got up, yawned ostentatiously, and sauntered away in the wake of Pink. "What's the matter, Cadwolloper?" he asked, when he was close enough. "Seen a garter snake?"

Weary looked over and came near whooping at the sight below. He gazed a minute, drew back and put his face close to the face of Pink. "Cadwolloper, go get the bunch!" he commanded in a whisper, and Pink, again signalling needlessly for silence, slipped hastily away from the spot.

Weary stopped with his mouth wide open and stared; leaned to the window and craned to see more clearly. "Mama mine!" he ejaculated incredulously. "I could swear I saw Miss Verbena in that rig, with her trunk, and headed towards the depot. Feel my pulse, Cadwolloper, and see if I'm normal."

"What's the matter?" he demanded sharply. "Chip, we we've lost Cadwolloper!" Weary's voice was tragic. "Hell!" snapped Chip, lying down again. "Don't let that worry yuh." "And we've lost the herd, too," added Weary mildly. Chip got up and stayed up, and some of his remarks, Weary afterward reported, were scandalous.

"I betche yuh won't see no horses t'day ner no night-hawk, neither." The Happy Family looked at one another and grinned. "Who'll stir the lemonade and help pass the sandwiches?" asked Pink, sadly. "Who'll push, when the school-ma'am wants to swing? Or Len Adams? or " "Oh, saw off!" Weary implored. "We can think up troubles enough, Cadwolloper, without any help from you."

Pink unrolled his "sooguns" in their accustomed corner next to Weary's bed and went straightway to sleep. Weary thumped his own battered pillow into some semblance of plumpness and gazed with suspicion at the thick fringe of curled lashes lying softly upon Pink's cheeks. "If I was a girl," he said pensively to the others, "I'd sure be in love with Cadwolloper myself.

If I was Chip, I'd call the deal off and start gathering calves. It ain't as if we had a man to ride for that belt and purse. Ain't your leg well enough to tackle it, Pink?" "No," Pink answered shortly, "it ain't." "Riding the rough bunch they've rounded up for that contest ain't going to be any picnic," Weary defended his chum. "Cadwolloper would need two good legs to go up against that deal."

"I should smile to remark," Weary assented emphatically. "Sun-up sure sees us on the road, Cadwolloper and yuh want to be sure and wear that new pink silk handkerchief, that matches the roses in your cheeks so nice. My schoolma'am's got a friend visiting her, and she's been hearing a lot about yuh. She's plumb wild to meet yuh.

"Well I'll be damned!" "Yuh sure will, Cadwolloper, if yuh don't let down them pretty lashes and quit gawping. What the dickens ails you fellows, anyhow? Is is my hat on crooked, or or anything?" "Weary, by all that's good!" murmured Chip, dazedly. Weary swung a long leg over the back of Glory and came to earth. "Say," he began in the sunny, drawly voice that was good to hear, "what's the joke?"