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Before we entered this narrow part of the valley, it was curious to see below the peaked mountains a flat-topped effusion of basalt, called borum, advanced forward. We made a very early start next morning, and gradually got into a thick low wood, but where the Wadi Yeramis widened out there were only tamarisks.

The harbour is not available during the south-west monsoon, and then all the boats go off to Ras Borum or the Basalt Head. Here we were deposited in December 1893 by a chance steamer, one which had been chartered and on which for a consideration we were allowed to take passage. I took turns with the captain to sleep in his cabin, but there was nothing but the deck for the others.

Crow's dignity asserted itself just as the valiant posse prepared to "straddle" the wheels in mad flight. "Hold on!" he panted. "I lost my dark lantern down there. Go back an' git it, Bud." "Land o' mighty! Did y'ever see anythin' like it?" gasped Jim Borum, trying to mount a ten-year-old boy's wheel instead of his own.

Miss Lane was the governess, and this entreaty was rendered necessary by the abrupt behaviour of the youngest Miss Borum, who, having filched the phenomenon's little green parasol, was now carrying it bodily off, while the distracted infant looked helplessly on. 'I am very happy to hear you express so favourable an opinion, said Miss Snevellicci. 'It's quite delightful to think you like it.

"Mark Riley's been goin' to put up them bills sence day 'fore yesterday," said Anderson Crow, with exasperation in his voice, "an he ain't done it yet. The agent fer the troupe left 'em here an' hired Mark, but he's so thunderation slow that he won't paste 'em up 'til after the show's been an' gone. I'll give him a talkin' to to-morrer." "What-fer show is it?" asked Jim Borum.

Borum to take a private box," said the lady of the house, after a most gracious reception; "Augustus, you naughty boy, leave the little girl alone." This was addressed to a young gentleman who was pinching the Phenomenon from behind, apparently with a view to ascertaining whether she was real. "I am sure you must be very tired," said the mamma, turning to Miss Snevellicci.

"Why, gosh dern it, Vanderskoop's only the fourth station west of Boggs City!" exclaimed Anderson Crow, pricking up his official ear. "How in thunder do you reckon they got up here in such a short time?" "They probably stopped off on their way back from Asia," drily remarked Mr. Lamson; but it passed unnoticed. "Have you heard anything more about the show, Harry?" asked Jim Borum.

Don't you s'pose I know how to handle a job like this? I got my own idees how to waylay them raskils, an' I reckon I been in the detectin' business long enough to know how to manage a gol-derned tramp, ain't I? How's that? Who says I ain't?" "Nobody said a word, Anderson," meekly observed Jim Borum. "Well, I thought somebody did. An' I don't want nobody interferin' with an officer, either.

Loquuntur autem de numero rationali et formali, non de materiali, sensibili, sive vocali numero mercatorum.... Sed intendunt ad proportionem ex illo resultantem, quem numerum naturalem et formalem et rationalem vocant; ex quo magna sacramenta emanant, tam in naturalibus quam divinis atque coelestibus.... In numeris itaque magnam latere efficaciam et virtutem tam ad borum quam ad malum, non modo splendidissimi philosophi unanimiter docent, sed etiam doctores Catholici."

This entreaty addressed to the governess, was rendered necessary by the behavior of the youngest Miss Borum, who, having filched the Phenomenon's little green parasol, was now carrying it bodily off, while the distracted Infant looked helplessly on, and presently the poor child was really in a fair way to be torn limb from limb, for two strong little boys, one holding on by each of her hands, were dragging her in different directions as a trial of strength.