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Updated: January 11, 2025

And a-pluckin' at a body's hands! and they plucked at Mr. Cavendish's hands. Sho did he say why he done that? "If you-all will quit yo' noise and dress, you-all kin presently set by the pore gentleman. If you don't, I'll have to speak to yo' mother; I 'low she'll trim you! I reckon you-all don't want me to call her? No, by thunderation! because you-all know she won't stand no nonsense!

I say, hello the blacksmith-shop! Dr. Ketchup, why don't you git up? Hello! Corn-sweats and calamus! Hello! Whoop! Hurrah for Jackson and Dr. Ketchup! Hello! Thunderation! Stop thief! Fire! Fire! Fire! Murder! Murder! Help! Help! Hurrah! Treed the coon at last!" This last exclamation greeted the appearance of Dr. Ketchup's head at the window. "Are you drunk, Jonas Harrison?

He began to tinker at the wound in rather a clumsy way until the youth exploded. "Gosh-dern it!" he said in sharp irritation; "you're the hangdest man I ever saw! You wear muffs on your hands. Why in good thunderation can't you be more easy? I'd rather you'd stand off an' throw guns at it. Now, go slow, an' don't act as if you was nailing down carpet."

Jerrie thought she might, but the toss of the fine maid's head showed that she thought differently, as she left the room with her mistress' message. 'Thunderation! I didn't want to see her. It's enough to have to call, was Tom's mental comment, when Doris told him he was to walk up stairs.

Anderson Crow finally ventured up to the doorway and peeped in. Bonner was standing near the tumbledown fireplace, placidly lighting a cigarette. "This is a fine job you've put up on me," he growled. "I thought there would be something doing. There isn't a soul here, and there hasn't been, either." "Thunderation, man, you cain't see ghosts when they don't want you to!" said Anderson Crow.

But, seeing a chance to tantalize him, I said: "Doctor, who do you want me to divide with?" "With me," he shouted. "Whom do you suppose?" "Well, thunderation! Doctor; it was my property we traded off. Why should I give you half the profits?" "Great Heavens!" he screamed. "Think of it! One shilling's worth of property!"

'Is it too late yet? 'Couldn't do it without going back to St. Louis. 'Thunderation! I didn't mean that. Go ahead. 'Such a lamp or head-light as the locomotives use would cost several hundred dollars, although I could have made one nearly as good for much less. Such a thing in the center of a man's forehead, and the whistle at the end of his nose, would give him quite an impressive appearance.

If it suits your plans for me to give myself to zat man " "My God, Olga! What the devil are you driving at?" " to satisfy him until you are prepared to nip zis revolution in the bud, as you say, I shall " "Thunderation!" he gasped. "You mean you would sacrifice yourself Great Scot! What do you think I'm expecting to do? Go to sleep for a month or so?

Wouldn't it be better for me to begin shooting at once and spare your soul the everlasting torture that would begin immediately after your self-produced decease?" A little cry of relief greeted this quaint sally. "You have my word that I will return with you quietly if " "Thunderation!" exclaimed Barnes wrathfully. "What do you think I am? A worm that "

For the first time since the interview began the captain looked ill at ease and embarrassed. "Thunderation!" he exclaimed testily, "you mustn't pay attention to that. He does make up poetry' pieces er on the side, as you might say, but I keep hopin' all the time he'll grow out of it, give him time. It 'ain't his regular job, you mustn't think 'tis." The visitor laughed again.

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