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Updated: November 29, 2024
"`I was away in the dissert somewheres, he is wont to say, `I don't rightly remimber where, for my brain's no better than a sive at geagraphy, but it was a wild place, anyhow bad luck to it!
His fatal book was one entitled Praeadamitae, sive exercitatio super versibus xii., xiii., xiv., capitis v., epistolae divi Pauli ad romanos. The author was born at Bordeaux in 1592, and served with the Prince of Conde; but, in spite of his protector, he was imprisoned at Brussels, and his book was burnt at Paris, in 1655.
"Frank! why, isn't he asleep all this time? I haven't heard his voice this half hour," exclaimed another. "'Parce meum, quisquis tanges cava marmora somnum Rumpere; sive bibas, sive lavere, tace," said Elliot beseechingly. "Come, come," said Harry, "none of your heathenish lingo over the mahogany. Boys!
Thus we attain three clear and distinct ideas, three eternal verities: substantia infinita sive deus, substantia finita cogitans sive mens, substantia extensa sive corpus. By this abrupt contraposition of body and mind as reciprocally independent substances, Descartes founded that dualism, as whose typical representative he is still honored or opposed.
Reliquum Africa Athiopia perhibetur exterior sive inferior; ab Oriente, Meridie et Occidente Oceano perfusa; a Septemtrione quasi duobus brachiis Abissinorum imperium hinc inde complectitur. Regiones, in quas dividitur, sunt Congi, Monomotapa, Zangibar, et Ajan. Pleraque maritimorum a Portugalensibus tenentur firmissimis munimentis ac praesidiis. Congi Regnum. Incolae sunt Christiani.
Even the Genius, though rather vaguely, passes over to the state and we hear of the Genius populi Romani or the Genius urbis Romæ, with regard to which Servius quotes from an inscription on a shield the characteristic addition, sive mas sive femina: in much later times we find the exact counterpart of the domestic worship of the Genius of the pater familias in the cult of the Genius of the Emperor the foundation of the whole of the imperial worship.
"Verum talis mini de horum origine et formatione conceptus formabam; globulis nempe ex quibus farina Tritici, Hordei, Avenae, Fagotritici, se constat aquae calore dissolvi et aquae commisceri; hac, vero aqua, quam cerevisiam vocare licet, refrigescente, multos ex minimis particulis in cerevisia coadunari, et hoc pacto efficere particulam sive globulum, quae sexta pars est globuli faecis, et iterum sex ex hisce globulis conjungi."
Credidere plerique libertum ex secretioribus ministeriis missum ad Agricolam codicillos, quibus ei Syria dabatur, tulisse cum praecepto, ut, si in Britannia foret, traderentur: eumque libertum in ipso freto Oceani obvium Agricolae, ne appellato quidem eo, ad Domitianum remeasse: sive verum istud, sive ex ingenio principis fictum ac compositum est.
The doctor said I was to be rubbed with that stuff 'e give me, but yer won't never do nothin' for me. 'Well, mother, said Liza, 'your rheumatics was all right yesterday. 'I know wot you was doin'; you was showin' off thet new dress of yours. Pretty waste of money thet is, instead of givin' it me ter sive up. An' for the matter of thet, I wanted a new dress far worse than you did.
Salarium tamen, proconsulari solitum offerri et quibusdam a se ipso concessum, Agricolae non dedit: sive offensus non petitum, sive ex conscientia, ne, quod vetuerat, videretur emisse.
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