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He was no such laborer, however, as Larry but what he was short in, he made up by perseverance and care. "In the coorse 'of two or three years you would hardly bleeve how he got on, and his wife was every bit aquil to him.

'What are witches? demanded Louie, scornfully. 'I doan't bleeve in 'em. Reuben frowned a little. 'Theer wor witches yance, my gell, becos it's in th' Bible, an whativer's in th' Bible's true, and the farmer brought his hand down on the top bar of the gate. 'I'm no gien ony judgment about 'em nowadays. Theer wor aw mak o' queer things said about Jenny Crum an Needham Farm i' th' owd days.

"Well, then," said he, in a triumphant tone, "they druv ashore on Brier Island; an ef that thar ain't pooty tall driftin, then I'm a Injine." To this the boys had no reply to make. "From all this," continued the captain, "you must perceive that this here driftin is very much more commoner than you hev ben inclined to bleeve it to be. You also must see that thar's every reason for hope.

Come, Father Corrigan, and carve the goose, or the geese, for us for, by my sannies, I bleeve there's a baker's dozen of them; but we've plenty of Latin for them, and your Reverence and Father James here understands that langidge, any how larned enough there, I think, gintlemen.

Hucky looked, with joy in his heart. "Well, he has, by jingoes! Did he before?" "Yes, he did. But I, like a fool, never thought. Oh, this is bully, you know. NOW who can he mean?" The howling stopped. Tom pricked up his ears. "Sh! What's that?" he whispered. "Sounds like like hogs grunting. No it's somebody snoring, Tom." "That IS it! Where 'bouts is it, Huck?" "I bleeve it's down at 'tother end.

"Long Hair save 'um little; father shoot one, two, tree, ten Injun. Long Hair been up to Fort. Sojer no bleeve Long Hair; say he spy. Long Hair come for Tom to get sojer. Injun see Long Hair; be here pretty soon one, two, tree, ten, twenty, fifty! Kill Long Hair, kill Tom, take scalp. Tom go with Long Hair. He save him. Horse know way home."

W'en a ole nigger like me is gotter paddle de canoe an' do de fishin' at de same time, an' w'en you bleedzd ter ketch de fish an' dassent turn de paddle loose fer ter bait de hook, den I tell you, Brer John, you er right whar de mink had de goslin'. Mars John and Miss Sally, dey done bin gone down unto Putmon County fer ter see der kinfolks mighty nigh fo' days, an' you better bleeve I done bin had ter scratch 'roun' mighty lively fer ter make de rashuns run out even.

A little anxiously Pinkey asked: "Don't you bleeve he's had enough?" "Too much scrap left in him yet," Wallie replied, unmoved. Canby shrieked at last: "I'll pay! Let me up!" "You mean that?" "Good God YES!" Pinkey led the horse back and in no gentle fashion Canby was pulled over the edge for the second time, where he lay limp. When his breath and strength returned he struggled to his feet.

Don't you remember, Huck? Bob Tanner was there, and Johnny Miller, and Jeff Thatcher, when I said it. Don't you remember, Huck, 'bout me saying that?" "Yes, that's so," said Huck. "That was the day after I lost a white alley. No, 'twas the day before." "There I told you so," said Tom. "Huck recollects it." "I bleeve I could smoke this pipe all day," said Joe. "I don't feel sick."

"Don't you want some candy, Budge?" "No you ain't GOT no candy, I bleeve." "Well, you sha'n't have any if you don't stop being so cross." The only reply to this was a mighty and audible rustling of the bedding in the boys' room, followed by a sound strongly resembling that caused by a slap; then came a prolonged wail, resembling that of an ungreased wagon-wheel. "What's the matter, Toddie?"