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He could swim when there were white caps in the harbour and choose his own clothing. A fine feeling of exultation swept over Wallie as he strode up and down with an eye to the way he looked in the mirror. He was free of petticoat domination. He was no longer a "squaw-man," and he would not be one again for a million dollars!

She shrugged her shoulder. "Place your own interpretation upon it, Wallace." "Perhaps you think I am not capable of earning my own living?" "I have not said so." "But you mean it!" he cried, hotly. Miss Macpherson was nearly as amazed as Wallie to hear herself saying: "Possibly you had better try it."

"That check would be a very dangerous thing if Parminter ever came to hear of it. Better give it to me." He leaned over and took it gently from before her, and put it carefully away in his pocket. "Now, you see, there's more reason ever why we should get Wallie Hine away from those two men. He is living a bad life here. Three weeks in the country may set his thoughts in a different grove.

The motor-bus had arrived and the chauffeur was piling his luggage on top of it, so, with a final handshake, Wallie said good-bye, perhaps forever, to his friends of The Colonial.

If he made a success she must take him seriously and anyway, his train of thought led him to inquire: "Don't you ever think about getting married, Pink?" His partner regarded him in astonishment. "Now wouldn't I look comical tied to one of them quails I see runnin' around Prouty!" "But," Wallie persisted, "some nice girl " "Aw-w I'd ruther have a good saddle-horse.

Say the word," persuasively, "and you've good as got a fine, flowing well of water." It would do no harm to let the water witch make his test, Wallie decided, so he followed sheepishly in the wake of Rufus and his willow as he walked over the greater part of the one hundred and sixty acres.

Penrose's querulous voice reproaching him: "I hope you have the grace to be ashamed of yourself for not telling us, Wallace!" "If I look sheepish," Wallie replied, smiling, "it may be due to the nature of my new occupation. You see," in reply to their looks of inquiry, "Canby bought me out, to get rid of me, and for a far more munificent sum than I ever expected.

The Durham, however, returned the stare of the crowd with blasé eyes which said that he had seen all of life he wanted to and did not care what further happened, while Wallie felt distinctly uncomfortable at the attention he attracted, and wished he might find Canby.

As Wallie drew nearer, through the smoke and steam rising from various cooking utensils he noted that Mr. Hicks' expression was particularly melancholy and his colour indicated that a large amount of bile had accumulated in his system.

Stott gave ground before he realized it. Miss Mercy snickered in appreciation of the cleverness of her manoeuvre. As Wallie observed them while waiting his opportunity to get a dill pickle or whatever crumb they might leave him, he thought grimly that if they had been without food for twenty-four hours instead of less than half a dozen, they would have been close to cannibalism.