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"God's my judge, Squire Champernowne, that I didn't mean to touch on that," I answered. "'Twas dead and buried in my heart, and the kind words you have said to me would have made me keep it there for evermore. I ban't your judge, though you be going to be mine, and I didn't speak them words in no sense to threaten, and I didn't speak 'em to remind you as you'd ever heard 'em before.

"I ban't a dareful man," he replied, "that would run down the road in daylight for the whole nation to see, and I be terr'ble weak in the legs, so I just crept out in the night, so quiet as a star-beam, and sheltered in the orchard yonder, till I seed the rod fairly put in my hand by the Almighty, that I mid strike manna out of the stream, like old Moses, so to speak."

"You'm the last to think of such a thing." "I am. It goes on like this: '5 mattocks; 4 digging picks; 4 head chains; 1 axe; sledge and wedges; also hooks, eyes, and hasps for hard wood. Never used 'em all the time us been here. '2 sets of trap harness, much worn. I ban't gwaine to sell the dogs eh? Us won't sell Ship or your li'l terrier. What do 'e say?" "No.

When us comed back from sea wan mornin' a week arter you'd gone I ups an' sez, ''Tis 'bout as lively as bad feesh ashore now Joan ban't here. I dedn' knaw faither was in the doorway when I said it, 'cause he'd give out you was never to be named no more.

"If I gave you work you'd stand to it, Will Blanchard?" he asked at length. "Try me!" "Whatsoever it might be?" "Try me. Ban't for me to choose." "I will, then. Come to-morrow by five, an' Billy shall show 'e what's to do." It would be difficult to say which, of those who heard the miller's resolve received it with most astonishment. Will's voice was almost tremulous.

An' no more'n what he desarved, that's certain." "But that ban't all, even. Maister Jan Grimbal's missing! He rode off last night, Laard knaws wheer, an' never a sign of un seed since. They've sent to the station 'bout it a'ready; an' they 'm scourin' the airth for un. An' 't was Maister Blanchard as fought wi' Bonus, for Sam said so." "Guy Fawkes an' angels! Here, you mix this.

"Light in darkness." "I hadn't thought that; an the gert world won't pity me, as you did when I first told you." "You ban't feared o' the world, be you? The world forgot un. 'T was your awn word. What's the world to you, knawin' what you knaw? Do 'e want to be treated soft by what was allus hell-hard to him?

"I be main glad as I've got no news to make 'e do anything else, though ban't often us can be prophets of gude nowadays. But if you've grawed a streak wiser of late, then theer's hope, even for a scatterbrain like you, the Lard bein' all-powerful. Not that jokes against such as me would please Him the better." "I've thought a lot in my time, Billy; an' I haven't done thinking yet.

I'm going up to the mill office now to report to the owners by telephone." "Dot ban't none o' your business, Peasley," Kjellin protested. "Dot is der first mate's job. You ban fired." "Yes, I know. Now I'm back-firing," Matt retorted. Fifteen minutes later he had Cappy Ricks on the long-distance telephone. "Mr. Ricks," he began, "this is Peasley talking from Eureka.

We grew by cruel stages to think to think you were dead. The agony of that for us! But, thank God, it was not so. All at least is well with you now?" "All ban't never well with men an' women. But I'm more fortunate than I deserve to be, and can make myself of use. I've lived a score of years since we met. An I've comed back to find't is a difficult world for those I love best, unfortunately."