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Now the Flying Corps captain had promised Peter that he would let him see the new Lewis machine-gun. It is a type of gun specially designed for aircraft, rather big in the bore, worked by a trigger-handle, and it makes a noise like the back-firing of a motor-car of 100 horse-power.

He was ambitious to become a great engineer, and was always tinkering at some kind of a machine. He used to joke with me about becoming a great inventor, and after we were married he did try his hand at a patent coupler and a back-firing device for a gas engine. He was just like you, my boy, always dreaming and seeing things in the out-of-doors.

She now saw his hands, which he was thrusting out on the mud to cool them, and sympathy was in her gaze also. "I don't know why I came," said he. "Didn't you signal for me? Jackson told me you could." "No, I had no hope. I meant no one. It was only a prayer." "It carried ten miles. We were all back-firing. It caught in the sloughs all the strips of old grass. I thought of your camp, of you.

His stutter was no ordinary one, for it consisted, not in repeating the first letter or syllable, but in blowing out both cheeks like a balloon, and making noises which resembled a back-firing motor engine.

He walked with her to the hotel, though he took the precaution to take his hat off his head and hang it on his finger, and twirl it round, as if laughing at it himself back-firing against the ridicule of others. He who thought himself sublimely indifferent to the laughter of ignoramuses, now fencing against it!

"Then come on. The fire has an awful start on us. The forester wants us to try to hold the header by back-firing." As they started toward the blaze Lew said, "We'll have to work some distance in advance of it. If only we had rakes we might conquer it even yet." They made their way to a point well in front of the header. Then they cut sticks and made little bundles of them to use like rakes.

I'm going up to the mill office now to report to the owners by telephone." "Dot ban't none o' your business, Peasley," Kjellin protested. "Dot is der first mate's job. You ban fired." "Yes, I know. Now I'm back-firing," Matt retorted. Fifteen minutes later he had Cappy Ricks on the long-distance telephone. "Mr. Ricks," he began, "this is Peasley talking from Eureka.

It was a perilous gun to handle. Owing to some undiscoverable flaw of construction or imperfection in the alloy, the monster soon developed a disconcerting knack of back-firing, hazardous to life and limb. It stands to reason that the Good Duke attached no undue importance to any trifling disaster accruing therefrom.

There were implements that were really potato-hooks, though in the forest they were used for clearing away brush and leaves rather than for digging potatoes. Then there were short-handled, four-toothed rakes, for use in back-firing. Also there were lanterns, and finally a small compressed air sprayer, for wetting the ground when back-firing. All these tools were painted a bright red.

That's the curious thing about shell-shock: after it a motor back-firing or a tyre bursting will reduce a man to tears, but in face of danger he will probably find himself in full possession of his wits as long as there is no sudden and violent noise connected with it. Brief as the sounds without had been, I was able on reflection to identify that gasping gurgle, that rapid patter of the hands.