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After all, it was not much like my picture of the great world, this lonely sea, this plunging up from billow on to billow, this burrowing down in the heart of green-gloomed hollows, this rocking and creaking and straining, this buoyant bounding over the crests, yet the freedom, the monotony, the wild career of the winds fired me; it set my blood a-tingle; I liked it.

In a moment they were mere fantastic shadows galloping up the hill through the smothery gloom. Then came Jim, leading Rex and a horse for himself; Sir Redmond had saddled his gray and was waiting. Beatrice sprang into the saddle and took the lead, with nerves a-tingle. The wind that rushed against her face was hot and reeking with smoke. Her nostrils drank greedily the tang it carried.

So I'd best make sure of it." Lloyd flushed angrily, but the next instant excused the old woman's rudeness on the score of her ill health. She had a plan that she was anxious to carry out, and she hurried home to begin, all a-tingle with her charitable impulses. She was surprised that her mother should treat it so lightly. "Of course you can have the carriage," said Mrs. Sherman.

It is strong circumstantial evidence, I will admit, but it is not positive proof." "Possibly your forest man, himself was captured or killed by the savages," suggested Captain Dufranne. The girl laughed. "You do not know him," she replied, a little thrill of pride setting her nerves a-tingle at the thought that she spoke of her own.

It was with a thumping heart and nerves all a-tingle that I followed Abel Crone out of his front shop into a sort of office that he had at the back of it a little, dirty hole of a place, in which there was a ramshackle table, a chair or two, a stand-up desk, a cupboard, and a variety of odds and ends that he had picked up in his trade.

The huntress, flattened like an empty skin, trailed slow and silent on the ground behind a log no thicker than her neck; if she could reach that tuft of brush she could get unseen to the weeds and then would be near enough to spring. She could smell them now the rich and potent smell of life, of flesh and blood, that set her limbs a-tingle and her eyes a-glow.

But after months of solitude, of hard, yegging work and hopes deferred, the town set his nerves all a-tingle even Gunsight, a mere dot on the map and he was drunk before he took his first drink. Drunk with mischief and spontaneous laughter, drunk with good stories untold, new ideas, great thoughts, high ambitions. But now he had had his fling.

She held out the keys to him, in a disinterested fashion, and dropped them daintily into his outstretched palm, just as she might have given a coin to an unusually grimy mendicant. But the tips of her fingers grazed his hand. That did the mischief. Her least touch was enough to set every nerve in his body a-tingle. "Peggy!" he said hoarsely, as the keys jangled to the floor. Then Mr.

Were the newspapers preparing to revel in the great story He was in the midst of these direful questions when some one tapped him lightly on the shoulder from behind. He turned and glanced upward, his nerves a-tingle. "Dick!" he exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "Sit down!" commanded the pickpocket warily. David dropped to the bench, his eyes fastened on the white, drawn face of the pickpocket.

Springer, literally a-tingle with joy over the turn the game had taken, watched Hooker, who was given excellent support, pull through the fifth without letting more than one man reach first base. "I'm glad," muttered Phil. "I don't care if it does cost me seven dollars, for Wyndham deserves to be beaten." Eliot, removing his cage at the end of the inning, looked for Springer and found him.