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Under cover of the darkness, the enemy even brought trench mortars on camels up to our wire to assist in the bombardment. Next morning the ground looked like a veritable sea beach after a wreck; the litter consisted of splinters and duds of all sizes and descriptions, largely 5.9" H.Es. This hostile barrage made a really satisfactory job of the wire cutting.

"Mais, mon Dieu! mon enfant, que tu es belle!" Mary's deep blush, at her ignorance of the language in which her visitor spoke, recalled her to herself; she laughed a clear, silvery laugh, and laid her jewelled little hand on Mary's with a caressing movement.

He was close-muffled in a wide mantle; which without farther parley unfolding, he deposited therefrom what seemed some Basket, overhung with green Persian silk; saying only: Ihr lieben Leute, hier bringe ein unschatzbares Verleihen; nehmt es in aller Acht, sorgfaltigst benutzt es: mit hohem Lohn, oder wohl mit schweren Zinsen, wird's einst zuruckgefordert.

Perhaps it would be safe to say that no other 170 acres of land in the world make more meat, manure, and grain in the year than the Tiptree Farm. In these results Mr. Mechi thinks his experiments and improvements have proved Quod es demonstrandum.

After such a night the morning is welcome, as it breaks over the eastern hill behind us, with rosy light creeping slowly down the opposite slope of houses. Before the sunbeams have fairly reached the bottom of the valley we are in the saddle, ready to leave Es Salt without further exploration.

Then Biberli, paying no further heed to his master's orders never to mention the Ortlieb sisters again in his presence, burst forth indignantly: "It might move a stone to pity to know the wrong the monster has done Jungfrau Eva and her pure and virtuous sister, the loyal betrothed bride of a brave man and the abominable names bestowed on the young ladies, whom formerly young and old, hat in hand, called the beautiful Es."

I 've sorter been entertainin' her nights with some stories regardin' road-agents an' things o' thet sort, while, so fur as I kin larn, thet blame chump of a McNeil hes been fillin' her up scandalous with Injuns, until she 's plum got 'em on the brain. Ye know a feller jist hes ter gas along 'bout somethin' like thet, fer it's no fool job ter entertain a female thet's es frisky es a young colt.

DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Qué disparate! DON EDUARDO. Vaya, la verdad. ¿No esperabas hallar otra cosa? DOÑA MATILDE. ¡Oh! lo que es eso.... DON EDUARDO. ¿No esperabas el que los muebles, aunque pocos y sin embutidos, fueran siquiera de caoba y nuevos? el que hubiera cortinas de muselina blanca, aunque sin guarniciones ni flecos?

"Ya'as, I'd jest es live," she replied, and led the way into the room; he followed, and sat down in rather constrained fashion on the chair nearest the door, deposited his hat on the floor beside him, took from his pocket and unfolded with a flirt an immense bandanna handkerchief, highly redolent of cheap cologne, and proceeded to mop his face with it. "It's ruther warm," he observed.

"Dun know for sar-tin, but looks like the pickin' wus heap handier than at fus'. Look yere, Lizay: ef I know'd I'd git more'n a hunderd I'd he'p yer 'long: I'd give yer the balance. Couldn't stave off all the floggin', but I might save yer some licks." "Take kere yer ownse'f, Als'on. I don't min' the las' few licks: they don't never hut bad es the fus' ones."