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"Wot fer, Slimmy?" he inquired again, wiggling his cigarette butt on his tongue tip. "Wot'd he do dat fer?" "How de hell do youse suppose I knows!" demanded the Magpie, politely scornful. "Dat's his business dat ain't wot's worryin' me!" "No sure, it ain't!" admitted Larry the Bat ingratiatingly. "But go on, keep movin', Slimmy! Wot's he done wid de stuff?"

Or it might be that my slightly dampened spirits come from the discussion I am still having with myself whether it 's the part of a dutiful wife to present herself a wiggling sacrifice to science, or whether science should attend to its own business and lead not into temptation the scientifically inclined heads of peaceful households. You 'll say the decision of what was best lay with Jack.

He liked to play with the boys, and he did not make a bit of fuss when Dick and Herbert tied the Monkey on his back. Of course the Monkey was taken off his stick for this strange ride. He was tied on with bits of string, as the boys had plenty of this in their pockets. "Hold still a minute, Carlo!" called Dick, for the dog was wiggling and twisting around. "Hold still and we'll soon be ready."

He wore an injured air; it was as if a deacon had been accused of stealing. The men were wiggling in an ecstasy of excitement. But of a sudden the colonel's manner changed from that of a deacon to that of a Frenchman. He shrugged his shoulders. "Oh, well, general, we went as far as we could," he said calmly. "As far as you could? Did you, b'Gawd?" snorted the other.

As she stole back each time, her tail was down and wiggling nervously which is the sure sign, when you see it, that some scent of you is floating off through the woods and telling its warning into the deer's keen nostrils.

With his back planted up against the wall of the car, his legs crossed and his feet wiggling time to the inward tune he sang, he calmly rolled half a dozen cigarettes and placed them, one by one, beside the feast. One match from his thin supply he placed alongside the cigarettes. Then he looked very doubtful. No; one might blow out. He must not be niggardly.

"I'm not buying, I'm betting! Who's wiggling now?" "You headstrong, stiff-necked old fool, you've made a bet! I've got the evidence. Your word against mine?" "Your word against mine. The bet is made," said Pete. "What have you got? I called you." "I've got the Dead Man's Hand that's all!" Dewing spread out three aces and a pair of eights, and smiled exasperatingly.

With a secret look all about, Tommy began to work with the fastening of the chain, his tongue poking through his lips and wiggling. The spring was strong, the thumb that pressed feeble, numb with cold. Once it clicked, and Tommy bit down on his tongue, and the dog sprang forward. The fastening caught, the boy gasped then frantically began to press. "What're you doing there?"

It was just about quarter past one and we was laughing our heads off at one of Brown's jokes, when out under the back window there was a jingle and a thump and a kind of groaning and wiggling noise. "What on earth is that?" says Dillaway. "I shouldn't be surprised," says Peter, cool as a mack'rel on ice, "if that was his royal highness, the count."

... The flesh-pots of Calcutta are wonderfully pleasant after jungly fare, and there is something rather nice about a big airy bedroom with a bathroom to correspond, hot water at will, and an ayah to look after one's clothes, after the cramped space of a tent, a zinc bath wiggling on an uneven floor, and Autolycus fumbling vaguely among one's belongings. I am staying with G. in her sister's, Mrs.