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But when I saw you, sir, a readin' upon the lilies o' the field, leastways, the lilies o' the water, I couldn't help runnin' out to tell you. Isn't it a satisfaction, sir, when yer dead reckonin' runs ye right in betwixt the cheeks of the harbour? I see it all now." "Well, I want to know, old Rogers.

There was a quiet yet cheerful air of alacrity about Fletcher Christian that day, so strongly in contrast with his previous sad and even moody deportment, that John Adams could only note it in silent surprise. "Have you been readin' much o' that book up here, sir?" he asked, as they began to descend the hill. "Do you mean God's book?" "Yes."

He seemed as though he could think of nothing else for weeks, and it wasn't till he began to ha' bad luck wi' the ewes as he was able to shake it off. He was allus lookin' in the paper to see if the gentleman as give the lecture was comin' again. His name was Sir Robert Ball. I dare say you've heard on 'im. "He used to spend all his Sundays readin' about stars.

But you do it half only, and some of you not at all. "Now, however, that we have got a lesson from a false gospel, we may as well get one from the true." As she spoke, she turned to her New Testament which lay beside her. But Jarvis interrupted her. "Where did you get that stuff you was a readin' of to us, grannie?" he asked.

I was readin' of the weddin' to ye, and thinkin' to hearten ye up a bit, an' here ye be cryin' fit to break yer heart, an' takin' on as if ye'd niver had a weddin' all by yerself! An' that made me laugh; but, afterwards, I fell to cryin' the harder, an' told him I couldn't help it, for I'd got such a good lovin' husband, an' me an orphan as had nobody

"Did you tell 'm you'd charge him for gas if he goes on readin' in bed?" he demanded. Mrs. Higginbotham made no reply. Her revolt faded away, her spirit wilting down into her tired flesh. Her husband was triumphant. He had her. His eyes snapped vindictively, while his ears joyed in the sniffles she emitted.

"Iss, from him; an' Mary Chirgwin found it 'pon the dead frame o' the poor gal, but 'twas partly pulp, along o' the water; an' Mary burned it wi'out readin' a word so she said, at least, though that's difficult to credit, human nature bein' as 'tis." "Then my work's the harder; but I'll find en, s'elp me God, even if us be grawed gray afore we meet."

Then he passed behind the counter, but here the box of biscuits which occupied the centre and cast a shadow over it compelled him to grope vaguely for what he sought. Then he stopped suddenly, the paper he had just found dropping from his fingers, and said sharply, "Who's there?" "Me, pop." "John Milton?" "Yes, sir." "What the devil are you doin' there, sir?" "Readin'." It was true.

"Wall," said he, after he had scratched his head an' thought a minute, "she was a dretful good woman t' work." "Anything else?" I asked. 'He thought agin fer a minute. "Broke her leg once," he said, "an' was laid up fer more'n a year." "Must o' suffered," said I. "Not then," he answered. "Ruther enjoyed it layin' abed an' readin' an' bein' rubbed, but 'twas hard on the children."

"'Why do they call you Blister? she asks, lookin' up from a letter. "'That's a nickname, I says. "'Oh, she says, 'n' goes on readin'. When she gets through she hands the letters to me. 'They seem to have a lot of confidence in you, Blis Mr. Jones, she says. "'Stick to Blister, I says, ''n' I'll always come when I'm called. "'Very well, Blister, she says.