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It was she that was screaming so!" "I should say it was. I tried to cotch her " "And that scared her more, I suppose." "Huh! Be I so scareful to look at?" the stranger demanded. "Or, mebbe you ain't loony, lady?" "I should hope not," rejoined Ruth, beginning to laugh. "Then how in tarnation," demanded the bearded man, "do you explain your wanderin' about these woods in this storm?"

I was afraid there would be a tire that needed changing; or else no gasolene at all. K. K. didn't realize how kind he was to himself when he fitted up the old car so handsomely, for some purpose." "Oh!" chuckled Horatio, "mebbe I know why.

I saw that they were directly in the line of the bullet, and it went through both." Silent Tom heaved a mighty sigh of relief, drawn up from great depths. "I'm tre-men-jeous-ly glad uv that, Henry," he said. "Now when I saw that third turkey come tumblin' down I wuz shore that one Injun or mebbe more had got on this snug little place uv ourn in the swamp, an' that we'd hev to go to fightin' ag'in.

Mebbe I'll look into this cattle-stealin' in your neighborhood, and if I do I'll sure come borrowin'." "Oh, I'll send you a boxful when I get back," said Alaire, and Dave thanked her humbly. Later, when he went to move his mare into a shady spot, the Ranger chuckled and slapped his thigh with his hat. "Bessie Belle, we're going to improve our minds," he said, aloud.

I guess Mis' Helman thinks her stomach is so much better 't mebbe she'll be spared till after the holidays when the sales begin." Even Liddy Ember had promised to go and to take Ellen, and Ellen went up and down the winter streets singing sane little songs about the party, save on days when she "come herself again," and then she planned, as wildly as anybody, what she meant to wear.

"Hadn't I better go and meet him?" "Naw. Ah would na. Ah wouldn' woorry; there's shepherds on t' road wi' t' sheep. Mebbe 'e'll toorn oop long o' they. Dawn' woorry ef tes laate like." He went away. They waited, listening while the clock struck the hours, seven; eight; nine. At ten her mother and the servants went to bed. She sat up, and waited, reading.

"Mebbe she would 'ave if she'd 'ad the chanst," was the reply. "But she didn't 'ave time to say no more afore the Reveille interrupted 'er, an' I 'ad to turn out." The Quartermaster of the Morning Watch concluded his repast. "Well," he said, "Mebbe she'll tell you the rest to-night. Then we'll know 'oo's 'oo, as the sayin' is.

"Tree fallen across the road," said Ned, the expressman, briefly. "I don't see no tree," responded the passenger, leaning out of the window towards the obscurity ahead. "Now, that's onfortnit!" said Yuba Bill grimly; "but ef any gentleman will only lend him an opery glass, mebbe he can see round the curve and over the other side o' the hill where it is.

"Then you'd be a brute!" retorted Lucy. "Wal, mebbe," returned Bostil, secretly delighted and surprised at Lucy's failure to see through him. But she was looking inward. He wondered what hid there deep in her. "But I can't stand for the nerve of thet." "He he means to to ask you." "The h .... A-huh!" Lucy did not catch the slip of tongue. She was flushing now.

"But mebbe I won't get to use them guns, after all." "Hardly on that gang," laughed Shefford. "The two Piutes and what others escaped turned back. Maybe they'll meet a posse of Mormons for of course the Mormons will track us, too and come back to where Shadd lost his life. That's an awful place. Even the Piute got lost couldn't follow Nas Ta Bega.